Cecropia Moth - Life Cycle |
All photographs are © copyright
1996, Pete
Honl. |

With a wingspan of 5 to 6 inches, the cecropia
moth (Hyalophora cecropia) is the largest North American
moth. It is a member of the family Saturniidae. Cecropia moths
are referred to as silkworm moths.
Although these moths are common throughout
North America, you don't often see them because they fly only
at night. However, because a cecropia moth is colorful as well
as large, when you do see one for the first time you will remember
it forever!
Like most moths, they are attracted to bright lights. This
is where most people encounter them for the first time.
- The adult cecropia moth shown here is a female. She has just
emerged from her cocoon and expanded her wings. She will not
live long (about two weeks) because the adult cecropia cannot
eat. The purpose of the adult stage is to mate and lay eggs.
Rosemaling |
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In northern Minnesota, the cecropia
moths emerge from their cocoons during the first occurrence of
hot humid weather in late May or early June. Late at night, the
female emits a scent called a pheromone that will attract
a male moth. The male senses the pheromone with his delicate
antennae. He is so attracted to the scent he can find a female from a
distance of a mile away! The mated pair will remain together
throughout the following day.
A female cecropia can lay more than one hundred
eggs. They are usually placed in small groups on the underside
of leaves. Depending upon the weather, it takes seven to fourteen
days for the eggs to hatch. The newly hatched caterpillars or
larva are black and approximately the size of a mosquito.
Cecropia larva have many enemies. This newly hatched
caterpillar is the victim of a tiny spider. Unlike some other
moths, cecropia have so many enemies they never become a pest.
This caterpillar is completing its first molt.
Before the caterpillar is ready to spin a cocoon, it will molt
several times. The stages of a caterpillar's life between molts
are referred to as instars. Notice how the caterpillar's colors are changing from its original black
coloration to a
green-orange color.
Although the caterpillars increases in size with
every molt, a predator is always waiting for a feast. This bug
easily overpowers a defenseless caterpillar.
A cecropia caterpillar's skin doesn't grow. When
a caterpillar becomes so large that its skin is stretched to
the limit, it's time to molt again. It will spin a silken pad
and attach itself to the pad. The caterpillar will remain still
for several days in this position while it is developing new
skin. Then, when it is ready, with the old skin attached to the
silk pad, the caterpillar will literally walk out of its old
With his new loose fitting attire, this caterpillar
can begin to grow again...
And grow he does! Now he is almost five inches
long! He makes a quick meal of a leaf.
In late summer, the caterpillar is ready to spin a cocoon. It will spend several days spinning a tough, brown,
weather-resistant home. Inside the cocoon the caterpillar will
pupate and prepare itself for winter and the miraculous metamorphosis
in the coming spring.
The winters here are very cold. Minus thirty degrees
Fahrenheit isn't uncommon. The structure of the pupa inside the cocoon
changes to allow it to withstand these temperatures. Like me, it is
waiting for a beautiful spring day!
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Links |
Bill Oehlke's Web Site Visit Bill's web site for information and
prices for living specimens. Also, you can call Don Oehlke at
908-439-2462, or send Don some snail-mail at 34 McCann Mill Road,
Pottersville, New Jersey, 07979. They can get you started raising moths.
Try it!
Butterfly and Moth
Lifecycles Excellent information about raising moths and butterflies
by Scott Henninger.
Butterflies On-line at Jack Hulland Elementary
Watch an on-line metamorphosis from larva to caterpillar to
butterfly complete with butterfly activities and resources. Developed by
grade three students in Yukon, Canada. There are lots of original games,
activities, learning resources and more.
Ornithoptera Trader of entomological equipment and dried
lepidoptera from around the world.
Sericulum The science of silkworms for the course of nature.
Giant Moths Lots of information about moths - by Joe Myers
Links |
Norwegian Rosemaling by Jean Honl
- Norwegian Rosemaling by Jean Honl
Roseau, MN 2002 Flood Roseau MN Flood - Photos from June 11 - 13, 2002
Roseau, MN Street Construction Photos of the street construction in
Roseau, MN
Toy Polaris Snowmobile
Jeremy Honl web page
Crosswordese.com Crossword puzzle help and more by Paul Stynsberg