"Up, up and awayyyy...it's superbirrrrrrrd"

Who is this bird? Where does he come from?
What secrets does he hide under his big 'ole hat? Who does he hang out with?

You can email Siva or Su at suavian@home.com


Siva & Su

Tribute to Siva







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Siva's Favorite Links
Birds N Ways (used to be Birds R Us)http://www.birdsnways.com/
The Pet Bird Report http://www.petbirdreport.com/
The Oasis http://www.primenet.com/~sybille/
Gretchen Egen, Cellist http://pw2.netcom.com/~gegen/index.html
Lori Bucevicius http://members.xoom.com/Skyebird/wings.htm

For information about feather collection for the Hopi and Tohono O'odham



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This Wings Around the World site is owned by
Su Egen.
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Wings graphics copyright 1997 by Lori Bucevicius
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