Please, if you experience any problems or have any suggestions for improvement E-mail me at the address located below, or from any page with the "Contact Diñetah'" link. There is also a guestbook below for your comments.
I plan to continue to build a larger storyteller's circle (currently there are nearly 100 stories online) and add some Native American recipes to delight your palete. At the StoryTeller's Circle , or the Stories of Origin and Creation Circle you can pull up a log, have a sit and listen to a Native American story or legend from one of the many sacred homelands. If you want to focus on SouthWestern Tribal stories the Stories from the Blanket Weaver would be of interest to you. If you are more serious and are seeking a greater understanding, of tribes, people, and spirituality you might find the " Tribal Hall " to be of greater interest. The Pow-Wow is a Native American celebration rich in color and traditions. There is one going on now if you care to watch. If shopping is your forte' you may find the Craft Hall and Trader's Post to be informative and fun.
A page detailing the PURPOSE and SCOPE of this site, is available.
A page displaying the AWARDS won by this site.
The Web Rings available from this site.
Several ways to Contact me with comments or suggestions.
The information contained on this site, has been gathered from a variety of sources, both on and off the Internet. It is my desire to present this information so that the it may be used by interested parties. The original authors (where known) are given credit for their work. If there is an uncredited piece on this site where the author or source is known, please contact me so that proper credit may be established.~ Thank You ~
People who know me, know that I hate advertising, but here I can tell you about a product that is free. So it's not like I'm selling you anything, Here's the scoop, the same people who gave me free space for my home page are willing give you some free space too. It's the same deal that I got.. Click on the GeoCities icon below to find out all about their free home pages and other stuff. The price is right.