Maxillaria Tribe
Acacallis, Aganisia, Anguloa, Batemannia, Bifrenaria, Bollea, Chaubardia, Chaubardiella, Chondrorhyncha, Cochleanthes, Corallorhiza, Cryptocentrum, Cytidiorchis, Dichaea, Dipteranthus, Govenia, Huntleya, Kefersteinia, Koellensteinia, Lycaste, Maxillaria, Mendoncella, Mormolyca, Neogardneria, Neomoorea, Ornithocephalus, Otostylis, Pabstia, Pescatorea, Promenea, Sepalosaccum, Scuticaria, Stenia, Telipogon, Teuscheria, Trichoceros, Trigonidium, Warrea, Warreella, Zygopetalum, Zygosepalum, Zygostates.



This is to introduce a specialty web page devoted to the history, study, and cultivation of the vast group of orchids within the tribe known as the Maxillarieae.Within this web page, we explore the diversity within the Maxillaria Tribe. There will be articles included here on various species and genera of the Tribe.

Maxillarieae Classification: For those who would like to know the makeup of the tribe.

Maxillarieae Articles: Periodically, a new article will be added pertaining to the Tribe.

You've just read it in "Orchids", now on line - Ben Berliners article on Promenaeas'.

Maxillaria Species: A section of photo's of Maxillaria species. Images will be added so that this will be a source for identification of Maxillarias. If you have images of identified species you would like added, e-mail them. Many of the present images were provided by David P. Banks (DB), and are copyrighted©.

Assorted Pictures of the Tribe: Some other excellent examples of species and hybrids within this tribe.

Here's a new site with a good sampling of Maxillaria photo's.

designed by Ari Design