making Kaua`i
a more Hawaiian
place since 1992

your island community connection

updated often to keep you in the loop on kauaian community issues
Website designed/self-published
by taro roots folks on Kaua`i
Launched:23 Aug 96 | Updated:13 jan 01
Puanani Rogers
community networker for cultural exchange

Ken Ka`imi Stokes
community networker for sustainable development
co-hosted by Puanani Rogers and Ken Ka`imi Stokes

pick your path to participate in our patch of paradise
hele mai (come in),
if you are searching for any of these topics:
:-) Sustainable Development Viewpoints
:-) Kauaian Community Initiatives
:-) Ahupua`a Management Tools
:-) Cultural Exchange Resources
:-) Hawaiian Community Issues
:-) Island Action Alerts

let us hear from you!
hookipa network of kauaian community based orgs
PO Box 88, Kapa`a, HI 96746 | 808/821-CBOS
join the "hooknet" e-list
© 1996-2001 | nonprofit use OK with attribution
empowering ahupuaa resource management since 1992

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