The Whole Life Experience airs on Cable TV every Wednesday 8:30pm in Dallas Texas USA:
regular cable channel 96
digital cable channel 96
Whole Life Experience is recieved by over 200,000 homes
The Whole Life Experience is the name of the Dallas HKTV show.
4 new shows
show 137d. Why bad things happen to good people with Nityananda Ram, George Harrison
The Lotus band plays live at a huge festival. The Vedic understanding of what is karma and how to change it is explained by Nityananda Ram a teacher in Hare Krishna system. A short history of George Harrison's Hare Krishna connection is examined. An employee at Kalachandji's Garden Restaurant takes the viewer on a tour of the 100% vegetarian establishment and the free palace next door. The Vedic answer to the haunting question of why bad things happen to good people is explained vividly by Nityananda Ram. George Harrison with a few friends leads the musical chanting of the Hare Krishna mantra.
show 135d. The best Mantra Meditation with George Harrison,Krishnashetra dasa, Nikunja dasi George Harrison sings My Sweet Lord. George then makes a statement about serving. Kalchandjis Garden Restaurant is viewed and a regular customer explains what he appreciates
about the cuisine. A short history of George Harrison his Hare Krishna roots is examined. Nikunja dasi speaks of what is Hare Krishna. How to make the most headway in meditation is examined by Krishnashetra dasa. The show closes with Nikunja dasi inviting the viewer to chant along with her and the Bhaktis an all lady band lead by Bhakti Natalie of Germany sings Hare Krishna to a haunting melody.
show 134d. The Hare Krishna philosophy with Krishnashetra dasa,Kalachandji complex, Nikunja dasi
A person that works at Kalachandji's restaurant gives the viewer a tour and mentions the extremely clean kitchen. The visitor to the complex is encouraged to visit the wonderful Vedic temple called Kalachandji's Dallas Palace and the viewer is given a panoramic tour. Krishnakestra dasa, a professor at University of Florida, is asked what the Hare Krishna philosophy is. His answer weaves a web around stopping the cycle of birth and death. He explains how this is done with an emphasis on association with the Lord through his name. Nikunja dasi invites the viewer to chant the lords name with her or to listen to her sound vibrations. George Harrison plays the harmonium and lead a small assembly in the musically chanting of the Hare Krishna mantra.
show 133d What is service to God with Krishnashetra dasa,George Harrison,Tamal Krishna Goswami,
Krishnashetra, a Professor at University of Florida speaks about what service to God means. Ravinda Svarupa Ph.D. explains what mantras have the most effect and the viewer is shown how chant/meditate. Anandini takes the viewer on a short tour of Kalachandji's Garden restaurant followed by Good Morning Dallas where the host is impressed by the taste of the vegetarian restaurant food. . Tamal Krishna Goswami explains that love is God is important and not sectarian. The viewer is shown how to offer his food at home and purify himself. George Harrison lead a kirtan and chants Hare Krishna with a few friends.
The Whole Life Experience airs on Cable TV every Wednesday 8:30pm in Dallas Texas USA:
regular cable channel 96
digital cable channel96
Whole Life Experience is recieved by over 200,000 homes
every Wednesday 8:30pm
Whole Life Experience
Hare Krishna TV -Dallas DVD
any 2 shows on DVD
$21 +$5 shipping in USA -$8 shipping outside of USA-Make check to M.Plotkin
5424 Parry ave
Dallas, Texas 75223 USA
email HKTV
Whole Life Experience/ here Web page address
Turn on, Tune in ,Go Back to Godhead
also on DVD-11 TV shows(6 hours) featuring Tamal Krishna Goswami $15+shipping
On DVD- 4 shows(2 hours) about George Harrison and secret Hare Krishna activities. $29+shipping
George Harrison-Hari unreleased studio sessions-songs-16 songs or outakes from 1968-1992 that were and will never be released. Songs included are I Wonder Why, Ballad of Krishna, You Believe in the Wind, Raga, Gopal Krishna, Prabhujee, All Things Must Pass and many more. Artists include Bob Dylan and Ravi Shankar.You can see George's creeper growing. Only on CD. $15.95 in USA
$25.95 outside of USA
$15.95+$3 in USA
$15+$10 in PAL including shipping
HKTV(make checks out to ISKCON)
5424 Parry Ave
Dallas, Texas 75223
call 214-321-0169, or mail to: HKTV, 5424 Parry Ave, Dallas, Texas 75223
email HKTV
Dangerous TV/ here