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Welcome to the Weisbeck's Home on the Range (Web, that is!)

Please tread lightly ! We all appreciate the short time we are given on this earth, and value any contribution you may give to its well being.

"Menagerie man" (that's me) is here, but the place will always be under construction. Please be patient ! In the meantime, Bonnie, Chris, Lisa and myself (Phil) welcome you for a visit. We have a few good web sites loaded on our links page. There is quite a menagerie of links here, but most of these we're sure you will enjoy. The Cedar Pond Page is more personal in nature should you care to visit our home. This is just for starters, so we'll grow and see how this thing works out.

Links to other sites on the Web

Cedar Pond Page

Drop a Note if You Would....Have a Good Day!

Visitors as of 3/18/97

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