Hey, hows it goin'???
This site is here to supplement my web-radio show, AND provide you some links to what I view as decent sites, so check them out!!!

Last Updated 2/26/02
The show has now returned in our new timeslot. In case you hadn't heard, you can catch "The Odder Side of Life" with your host me, Alex Byrne, Mondays 4-6pm, all semester long on MassCommRadio.com I'll be playing all your favorite jambands as well as bringing you the oddest news stories of the week.
Well things are back to normal at Mass Comm Radio. You no longer have to access us through our IP address as things have finally been resolved with our web hosting company. The next show will air 3/4/01 and I'll be bringing you all your favorite jambands and some more live Reid Genauer tracks that you won't hear anywhere else (unless of course if you were at the shows or have copies of them). Anyway, stay tuned as there are going to be some big surprises in the near future on the odder side of life. Be good to each other...
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Click here to listen to a brief audition package in mp3 format!!! Attention Program Directors... this means you!!!
This Page Brought To You By Alex Byrne...
© 2002