The SMSJ Nature Society's Home Page


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The Society Board of Directors 1996/97:

President: Leong Chia Yeen
Vice-President : Daniel Hew Gin Yuan
Secretary : Koh Keng Hu
Vice-Secretary : Letitia Lim Zerr
Treasurer : Wendy Ho
Funding Director: Yuen Wai Kuan
Society Coordinator: Chen Ee Ein
School Service: Chuah Wei Tsung
Publicity: Ong Pei Chiun

Hello and welcome to the Official Homepage of the Nature Society of SMSJ. Well, let me tell you what a bit of the world we live in called the Earth. Basically, the humans that we are live in two separate worlds, one is called the world of human, and the other called the world of nature.

In the world of humans, we worry about work, school, business, money, and we do things like watching the latest movie, buying the latest games, surfing the web, listening to music and not forgetting one of the most popular human hobby, watching the television. That is basically what we humans, specifically in the city, do each day.

Not many people experience the world of nature. People who have been in the world of nature can experience. Some people will tell you that it is a really magnificent experience while some people say it is a horrible one. People in the world of nature worry about finding the safest path, getting attacked by wild animals, finding food and so on.

To tell you the truth, both worlds actually have its on drawbacks and specialty. In the human world, a tiger might not bite us but we might get robbed in our own house! This applies to both worlds. True, some people say that in the human world, people have better entertainment. Maybe the world of nature hasn't got that much of entertainment but it certainly has the scenery and unpolluted surroundings that is lacking in the city.

Every day, the world population is going higher. That means we will need more power, there will be more cars, more books published more newspapers printed, more roads built, and more houses and high rises buildings built. As a result, more trees are being cut, forests cleared, petroleum products burned and more pollution. So how can everybody help?

The Nature Society of SMSJ is one of an environmental organization at school level that plays a little role in making sure that we do our bit for the environment.

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