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Solar Home Page
Hex AFrame
The Hex-A Frame

Hi. My name is John Canivan and I'm the designer and builder of the doll house you see above. It took about three months to construct and was completed in 1992, though its conception took a bit longer. It's a model of a solar home I'd like to build out there in the "real world" some day.

My father was a builder and I've been working in residential construction for much of my life. My first full-sized hexagonal house was completed in December 1972 in Peru NY and building houses of my own design is still one of my dreams. More about that later. But first I'd like to share some of my more memorable...unconventional and maybe a little crazy... remodeling projects.

Name that Entity  Contest
HexAFrameHouse Plans

Homemade bread

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Sunshine Fellowship membership card

During the past 25 years I've become increasingly interested in solar housing industry. Is solar practical? I think it can be and I'll be writing about that in these pages during the next few weeks. And I'd love to hear your thoughts so please E-mail me.


American Solar Energy Society

Buckminster Fuller Institute

ISES - International Solar Energy Society

Solar Energy and Your Home FAQ

Solstice Center for Renewable Energy and Sustainable Technology

Environmental organisation working to sensitize the population of Mauricie area to integral waste management.
Lots of information on composting and activities around hazardous domestic waste etc.

visit my wife Pat's homepage
cat graphics

This site and all its photos and written content © Copyright 1998 John and Patricia Canivan


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