American Photojournalist feature stories, portfolios, discussion groups and equipment reviews for photojournalists, by photojournalistsNewport News, Va. [2004.06] Hamburger Eyes online version of edgy photo magazine San Francisco, Calif. [2004.06] fotolog an online
community of photography logs from photographers around the world Brooklyn, N.Y. [2003.12] Jeff Harris a daily photographic journal
with more than 1,200 photos arranged by date [2002.07] Chionmang fine art and advertising photographer; Chiang Chang-Way Lima, Peru [2002.07]PDN Photo Annual 2002 annual PDN Online contest to select the best photography of the year in eight categories: advertising, magazine/editorial,
photo books, photojournalism, corporate/industrial, personal work, web sites, and student work New York [2002.06] The New York Times:
Portraits of Grief a look at the lives and loves of those who fell victim to the 11 September 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center,
in a touching and very real memorial of pictures and words New York Sebastiгo Salgado two sections, Migrations: Humanity in Transition,
1993-99 and The Majority World: Three Photo Essays, 1977-92, include a selection of images from the Brazilian photographer's books
and exhibitions Brazil [2001.04] English, Spanish, French and Portuguese Women Speak female photographers share their images from
around the world and the stories behind them Portland, Maine [2001.04] 58th Pictures of the Year one of the world's oldest, largest
and most prestigious photojournalism competitions, sponsored by the Missouri School of Journalism and the National Press Photographers
Association, which this year drew more than 32,000 submissions Columbia, Mo. [2001.04] Camera Works daily images,
extensive selection of news and features photos, photography columnist Frank Van Riper, work by Pulitzer Prize-winning photographers
at The Washington Post Washington, D.C. [2001.04] SF Gate Photo Gallery pictures from San Francisco newspapers, with a broad variety
of subjects that include concerts, earthquakes, the Day in Pictures, Photo of the Week and more San Francisco, Calif. [2001.03] Exaltation:
images of religion and death nine-year published project documenting expressions of deep religious beliefs and the extreme suffering
of its followers, with essays by scientists in the fields of theology, psychology and anthropology; Dйsirйe Dolron Amsterdam, Netherlands [2001.03]Filip Horvat images of Prague, Turkey and Kosovo by a Croatian photojournalist represented by Saba Press Zagreb, Croatia [2001.03]soulwedgie New York, and the world at night; Melbourne Sibblies New York [2001.03] Paul Biddle Fine Art Photography surreal fine art
photography of award-winning photographer Devon, U.K. [2001.03] Jezebel's Mirror nearly 500 self-portraits, from New York to Greece,
from San Francisco to Italy, that Heather Champ took in a variety of reflective surfaces [01.01] Black and White Photography by Gabrielle
de Montmollin staged photographs featuring toys and dolls in imaginative narrative settings; five series from 1989 to the presentToronto, Ontario, Canada [00.12] DoubleTake a magazine that provides a thoughtful look at the world around us Somerville, Mass. [00.10]Ante nudes and portraits by Ante, a photographer working in Poland and France Krakow, Poland [99.06] The Arizona Republic: Photos
of the Month images from the nation's 16th largest newspaper Phoenix, Ariz. [00.03] American Museum of Photography 5,000 images from
the first 75 years of photography at a museum existing solely in cyberspace; William Becker [98.10] China: Fifty Years Inside the
People's Republic counterpart to a traveling, real-world exhibition of images from China; covering everything from "Secret Catholics"
to "Mountain Folk," from "Shanghai, Electric City" to "The Western Lands"; a list of the exhibit's North American and Chinese tour
dates; New York City's Asia Society New York [99.11] Phillip Colla Photography natural history photography specializing in wild marine
mammals (whales, dolphins, seals), remote islands of the eastern Pacific and the California kelp forest; several hundred images Carlsbad,Calif. [99.03] Carl Cook Photography B&W wildlife photography accompanied by brief essays Olympia, Wash. [2002.03] Steven Daniel portfolio
of photographs of freelance documentary work; current projects include Nicaragua, Guatemala and Kenya Stamford, Conn. [98.10] The
Documentary Photograph: A Photo Gallery a gallery of images from photo essays that take a personal look into the lives of ordinary
— but really quite extraordinary — people in the U.S.; Sheldon J. Potter Denver, Colo. [98.10] Christian Esser available-light images
and archive; portriaits, night industrial Alpen, Germany [98.12] in German Glen Gaffney nature and pictoral photography; picture story
about a fox Sudbury, Ontario, Canada [99.01] Handheld magazine independent online publication highlighting the work of photojournalists
[99.12] Jцrg Heieck landscape, architecture, travel, panoramic Landau, Germany [98.12] Joshua W. Hearn Image Galleries; a collection
of images by an amateur photographer in Northern California, arranged by subject matter to give others like myself ideas, to give
me feedback and for the viewing pleasure Huntington Beach, Calif. [98.10] Carl Heilman outdoor photographer specializing in panoramas
and unique images of the Adirondacks Brant Lake, N.Y. [2000.03] related book Kenario masters of Polaroid SX-70 manipulation, these
two artists combine their talents in sculpting and photography to bring you an online gallery of award-winning fine art; what they
call Photo Impressionism; interesting info and images; Ken & Mario San Francisco, Calif. [99.11] David Michael Kennedy Photographer portfolios
of Southwestern landscapes, famous people (including Bob Dylan) and Native American Indian dancers Santa Fe, N.M. [99.01] Learphoto photojournalism
from Asia to Europe and Latin America; moving toward documentary work; Afghanistan, El Salvador, Guatemala, Sarajevo, Australia, Cambodia,
Indonesia, Thailand and more; Luis Ascui Singapore [00.03] Lomographic Society International a cool little camera that has some very
unique optical characteristics, plus a gallery of "lomographs" St. Petersburg, Russia [98.11] London Photographic Awards international
judged online competitions covering photojournalism, fashion and fine art subjects London, U.K. [2004.10] Larry Malvin A Landscape
Perspective landscape and nature photography in 6 galleries: tropical, water, landscape, fall color, close-up and sunrise/sunset;
and digital imaging Northbrook, Ill. [99.12] Masters of Photography a comprehensive listing of the top names in the history of the
medium [00.06] William McEwen Portrait Photographer classic B&W photographs using an old-fashioned view camera; portrait gallery,
technical information and more Arlington, Texas [99.11] Photographers' Gallery the first independent gallery in Britain devoted to
photography, now with a reputation as the country's primary venue for contemporary photography; founded in 1971 London, U.K. [00.06]Photojournalism and Documentary Photography Web Ring [98.06] PHOTOnline directory of Venezuelan photographers and resources; includes
galleries and services for visitors; nudes and infrared images Caracas, Venezuela [98.10] in Spanish and in English The Arizona Republic:
Photos of the Month images from the nation's 15th largest newspaper Phoenix, Ariz. [00.03] Pinhole Visions: Pinhole Photography on
the Web examples of an old technique, a gallery and a photographer who used a shack as a camera; Gregg Kemp [99.11] Andrew Ross Photography adventure
travel photography from Mexico, Canada and South Africa by Toronto-based location photographer Andrew Ross Toronto, Ontario, Canada [00.06]The Secret Books photographs by Sean Kernan, text by Jorge Luis Borges Stony Creek, Conn. [99.09] RELATED BOOK Stehr, Darren images
and ideas relating to erotica, along with a couple hundred images ranging from acitvism to zany snaps Toronto, Ontario, Canada [00.07]Untitled Magazine independently operated, nonprofit, online magazine dedicated to the advancement and expression of photojournalismAtlanta, Ga. [98.11] Van Rhijn, Peter award-winning nature photography Mississauga, Ontario, Canada [99.12] van Tonder, Johann Cape
Town-based photojournalist, experienced on international news agency Cape Town, South Africa [00.03] Ari Versiani commercial photographyRio de Janeiro, Brazil [99.12] HISTORY Smithsonian American Art Museum: Secrets of the Dark Chamber. The art of American daguerreotype American Handbook of Daguerreotype - early process of the making of daguerreotypes. Scroll down to the chapters (text- no images) e-Book American Museum of Photography. Master works and information on early photographic processes. History of Photography - from
earliest times to the 1920's. Hyper linked text presented with significant people. Timeline George Eastman House International
Museum of Photography. See Collections Taking the Long View - panoramic photographs 1851-1991 Antique and Classic Cameras (Images) Stereoviews of the 19th Century - old stereo pictures, history, & links. Stereoscopes were like televisions for the 19th century.
Antique photography links. American Photography: A century of images- PBS presentation History Of Photomontage -- traces the beginnings
of this fascinating area of art history from Victorian experiments, through the phenomenal creativity of the artists of Berlin Dada
who made it into an art form, to the political propaganda of 1980s antinuclear activists. About Life: The Photographs of Dorothea
Lange From the Getty. Teach your students about the Dust Bowl and the Depression, have them create their own photo essays, and learn
about using metaphors in visual and written forms. Photographers - A chronological listing from Artcyclopedia GENERAL PHOTOGRAPHY
[TOP OF PAGE] Quotes on or about photography Photography Links - from Chris Witcombe, Sweet Briar College is your
starting point for photographic information on the web. The site consists of several hundred links to take you directly to photography
related sites. Better Learn about photography, FAQ's, Digital Imaging List of Photography links and lessons Compiled by
Donald Darrow- University of Northern Iowa - Additional Resources Photography sites for Kids Kids Click - sites selected by librarians.Bengt's Photo Page- Links page of Web sources for photographers Focus on Photography - History, camera basics, composition, lightingExposure - A beginners guide to photography. Site by Gavin Cheng in language students will understand. Kodak Site Tips on taking
better pictures Online tutorials. Glossary Photography REVIEW -reviews, news, swap, & more - photographs, reviews and
tutorials Online Photography - Journal of Fine Art Photography. Showcasing contemporary fine art photography, articles, & more Photography
Links - from 4 2 eXplore - More Photography Links The Graplex Speed Graphic Page - the large format camera Large Format Photography -
Tools and techniques of large format photography. Primers, how-to articles, user's reviews of equipment, technical discussions Studio
Lighting - Tutorials for studio lighting for portraiture, photography glossary, tips for making lighting equipment - more! Site by
Bill Crawford. DOCUMENTARY PHOTOGRAPHY Fifty Crows - Social Change Photography View the photo essays. Fifty Crows "prioritizes social
awareness by using arrestingly real, timely photographic images as a catalyst for education, cultural understanding and social action."PHOTOGRAPHERS Artcyclopedia - listing of Photographers Get the Picture - Minneapolis Institute of Art: Work of seven photographers
whose work is in the permanent collection of MIA. Between Heaven and Home: Contemporary American Photographers Featuring 90 works
by 39 artists - Smithsonian American Art Museum. Contemporary Photography Exhibit VCD|211.212 Photograph Techniques - portraits, still
life, collage and more. George Eastman House Museum of Photography List of photographers in alphabetical order. George Eastman House home
page. Photograph Collection - University of Montana Museum of Fine Arts. Photographers listed in alphabetical order. Masters of Photography -
features photographs, web resources and links to articles of many photographers. See summaries. (has pop-up and pop under ads - teachers
will want to preview first). BLOWUP Has portfolios of many well known photographers through time. Teachers will want to preview before
showing to students. I enjoyed Sandy Skoglund's photographs. Bernice Abbott (American Photographer, 1898-1991) ArtsConnectEd Lesson
Plan - Bernice Abbott Ansel Adams at 100 - online exhibit from the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art highlights seven Ansel Adams
photographs. Also see Artcyclopedia (American 1902-1984)Ansel Adams American Experience - PBS site - Timeline, Gallery - more. Includes
Teacher's Guide. William Albert Allard - National Geographic photographer - National Geographic Photography Diane Arbus (American
Photographer, 1923-1971) Richard Avedon (American Photographer, 1923-2004) Phil Borges - Contemporary photographer from Washington
- riveting portraits. Margaret Bourke-White (American Photographer, 1904-1971) Women in History Matthew Brady (American Photographer,
ca.1823-1896) See Matthew Brady's Portraits - online exhibit from National Portrait Gallery. Excellent presentation. Find more Brady
portraits(enter name in keyword search) - Civil War portraits. Harry Callahan (American Photographer, 1912-1999) Julia Margaret Cameron (British
Photographer, 1815-1879) John Paul Caponigro - contemporary photographer from Maine. John Paul combines his background in painting
with traditional and alternative photographic processes using the digital platform. He is respected internationally as one of the
most prominent artists working with digital media processes.
Henri Cartier-Bresson Foundation (French Photographer, 1908-2004) - Portraits
by Cartier-Bresson - Cartier-Bresson- Washington Post - Artcyclopedia - Brief biography (more photographer biographies)
John Chan
Gallery John Chan employs the technique of Polaroid SX-70 film manipulation. SX-70 Time Zero film has a flaw that opens up a large
degree of creativity: the film's emulsion stays soft and malleable. Chan has exploited this flaw to manipulate simple Polaroid pictures
into award winning photographs. Gregory Colbert - Ashes and Snow - extraordinary interactions between humans and animals. From New
York. Imogene Cunningham (American Photographer, 1883-1976) Biography
Doisneau (French Photographer, 1912-1994) Tom Forsythe - Utah photographer- now famous for his Food Chain Barbie. Tom won his case
with Mattel in a landmark decision. Chris Jordan - contemporary American. See "Portraits of American Mass Consumption", "Running the
Numbers: An American Self Portrait" - also Katrina photos, "Portraits of Loss from an Unnatural Disaster" Seydou Keita - Born 1921,
Bamako, Mali. Died Nov 22 2001, Paris, France. View the photographs. George Krause (American born in 1937) Very moving photographs
- many for mature students. Gil Kraus - Pholiage - from California - hand cuts photographs to make a kaleidoscope (math concepts
of symmetry and reflection - radial balance). Annie Leibovitz (American born in 1949) Robert Mapplethorp (American Photographer, 1946-1989)
Preview images first. Steve McCurry - many photographs have appeared in National Geographic. Felix Nadar (French Photographer, 1820-1910)Brief Biography Gordon Parks, Sr. (African American 1912 - 2006) photographer and filmmaker who used his largely self-taught talents
to chronicle the African-American experience. Library of Congress photographs - Gordon Parks Collection - Legends Online: Gordon Parks -
on History Makers Eliot Porter: The Color of Wildness - A Guide for students and teachers from the Amon Carter Museum. Eliot Porter
was a nature photographer working in color when color film was new. Geared to middle school students - See teachers' section for
lesson activities. Travis Reid Photos: Landscape, portraits, music and weddings. Jeff Ripple: Fine Art Landscape Photography - from
Florida. Dorothea Lange (American 1895-1965) Dorothea Lange - at Oakland Museum of California Annie Leibovitz (American Photographer,
Born 1949) Photographs of Wo (preview first) Scott Matyjaszek Contemporary - Interesting 3-D layered photographs. Edward Steichen (Luxembourgeois/American
Photographer, 1879-1973) Alfred Stieglitz (American 1864-1946) National Gallery Constance Stuart Larrabee (born in 1914) Lived and
worked as a professional photographer in South Africa until 1950. NMWA Jerry Uelsmann (American born in 1934)Jerry Uelsmann Web Site Surreal
images - some images for mature students. Robert Vavra (American) Beautiful horse photographs Jeff Wall (Canadian) large scale photographs
on transparency - in back lighted boxes - thought provoking images. See MoMA exhibit and Tate installation. Weegee - Arthur Fellig (Hungarian/American
Photographer, 1899-1968) William Wegman contemporary artist Artcyclopedia links. Edward Weston (American Photographer, 1886-1958)Edward
Weston - online exhibit from museum of Fine Art LESSON PLANS - CURRICULUM [TOP OF PAGE] Student Curriculum in Photography - Excellent
site by Keith Wills, Santa Cruz High School. See Technical Help and Projects fro everything you need for a photography course of study. Art
Teacher Connection-- Make a camera, master photographers, history and more Community Outreach - Nursing Home Project Excellent lesson
by John Crowe for middle school and up. Kodak site. Fuji Film - Products for Learning - See if your school qualifies for a donation.
Check out the lessons plans for each level. Lessons include Character Education. Get the Picture! Creating a Photographic Timeline
of Images That Have Shaped Our Lives - New York Times lesson. Students learn about the power of photographic images to influence public
opinion. Visual Arts standards are listed. Joan Dooley - Bell High School Bell, CA. Exceptional high school site for photography -
AP included. See the work of instructor Joan Dooley. About Life: The Photographs of Dorothea Lange From the Getty. Teach your students
about the Dust Bowl and the Depression, have them create their own photo essays, and learn about using metaphors in visual and written
forms. Using Historical Photographs Analyzing photographs - from Youth and Heritage Learning Source. Geared for grades 4 through 9
- but adaptable to other grade levels. Photographer Research Project - by Jude Grochowski Photography Web Quests Lessons from Bath
High School, Lima Ohio. Kodak List of Lessons on Photography Lessons for Art and Photography Kodak Guides - Using a 35 mm Camera
and Picture Taking Guide Kodak- Lessons Integrating Language Arts and Photography Kodak- Elementary Lessons using photography Kodak-
Music Composition and Photography Kodak- Elements of Art through Photography Kodak- Multi-disciplinary Instructional Photography Kodak
Digital Learning Center Lessons and resources - DLC Home page MorgueFile Classroom - Lessons for Photography. From Jodie Coston, a
freelance photographer, and others. Get-the-picture Minneapolis Institute of Art -- Pictures from seven different photographers in
the collections. Great for Critical Inquiry. Photographs and History Photo analysis worksheet Ilford Teachers Lounge A forum for
people involved in the teaching of photography Photo Communications Class - by Marvin Bartel. Learn all about the camera - see course
assignments - more. Assignments - adaptable to high school. Photography Curriculum Guide - Saskatchewan Education Self-Portrait Montage -
for elementary by Rebekah Short and Kim Lint. Students learn to use digital camera, scanner Photoshop layers and printer. photokaboom -
Site by Jim Beecher, photographer and teacher. See book called PATH. It's about different ways of working creatively. There are over
50 self-assignments in that section. Hand-outs section - How to's- more. In the "Look at Photographs" section, there are websites
for over 200 well-known photographers (former SilverSilicon) Worth a Thousand Word: Depression Era Photographs. EDSITEment lesson
plan. Grades 9-12. ZimmerWorks: Photography - Curriculum for Landon High School DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY- VIDEO LESSON PLANS Pauler's PlaceAustin Community College. Online Lesson Plans - adaptable to middle school and high school. A Short Course in Digital Photography -
online book by Dennis Curtin. See his Nature Log. Emerald Ridge High School TV Production Assignments, assessment, composition tips
and so much more-- Mr. G. Osborne, instructor. Photoshop 5.0 for Photographers - book - color management help Photoshop Tutorials DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY [TOP OF PAGE] Hamilton Museum of Art - from Hamilton Electronics. A place for students and teachers to share
digital photographs. Easy to join...easy to upload your photographs. Curated by Harold Olejarz, New Jersey art teacher. James Michael
Lawrence digital work. James work is rich in imagery - see his Japan Series. You will find high quality digital images to inspire
on the Minnesota Artists site. Site takes a while to load - but it is well worth the wait! James wants students to be inspired by
his work. Pauler's Place Austin Community College -- information about the Digital Imaging classes in the Digital Publishing and Graphics
Technology Department at Austin Community College. See some great student work. Online lesson plans! Amateur Digital Photo Gallery --
Family friendly photography by John Greenwood. Interesting feature -- see what your name means. The Digital Photography Exhibit An
international juried exhibit exploring new work created by artists who work with cameras and computers. Digital Photography Review-news, reviews, specs, forums, tips Digital Camera Magazine - electronic photography & imaging Megapixel - Monthly Web Magazine for
digital cameras, reviews & latest information Photohead - photographic concepts and tips for the digital era. Buying guide for a look
at new and popular digital models. Explore SimCam, a great way to learn about exposure - online camera simulator designed to teach
basic photographic principles. TOMHAROLD An East/West Photo Manipulation Collaboration. Work involving two friends -Tom Chambers in
China and Harold Olejarz from New Jersey. Project began by sending images to one another and manipulating the images. Watch this collaboration
grow.SCANNING PHOTOGRAPHS Scanning Tips by Wayne Fulton Scanning Tips for HP software Slide Scanners - transparency scanning ALTERNATE PROCESSES [TOP
OF PAGE] Alternative Photographic Processes - Alternative photographic processes are usually considered to be any photographic process
that does not use the methods and technology of current silver- gelatin materials Alternative Photography Processes examples with
instructions- Oatmeal box pin hole cameras and more - see links. Fake Daugerreotypes Pin Hole Photography - Photo.Net History,
Images, Cameras, Formulas. Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day Visit the gallery to view the more than 900 pinhole photographs taken
on that day from participants in 35 countries! Kodak- Making a Pinhole Camera Pin Hole Camera Instructions Pin Hole Cameras:
Links to sites Thomas Hudson Reeve Handmade pin hole paper cameras. Polaroid Image Transfers - Holly F. Duprй - Site has pdf download
instructional book (68 pages). Also see gallery. More about Polaroid Transfers - from Amazing Dreams Publishing. Also see Polaroid
Transfers by Nikki Faye. Stereographs - Amateur Photographic Exchange Club's-- How to Make Print Stereographs MAGAZINES [TOP OF PAGE] LensWork -
journal of photographic essays and articles creative process Shutterbug - articles, reviews, hints, links Photo
District News - newswire, links, products for the professional PEI Magazine - Photo Electronic Imaging, online version PCPhoto Digital
Photography Magazine - a guide to digital photography. HISTORY THROUGH PHOTOGRAPHY & IMAGE RESOURCES American Photography: A Century
of Images PBS site. Photography of War, Presidential photographs, Digital Truth and more. Interactive multimedia lab. Teacher's Guide Ansel
Adams (photography) Exhibit at San Francisco Museum of Art.Program provides insights into the history and world of ideas behind Adams'
photography. Library of Congress - American Memories Home Page There are all sorts of photo archives from American Presidents, to
baseball, to Civil War photos - Collection Finder - List of Collections America from the Great Depression to World War II: Photographsfrom
the FSA-OWI, 1935-1945-- contains links to thousands of the most famous documentary photographs ever produced. The Farm Security
Administration's photographs cover the Great Depression, while the Office of War Administration's photographs look at the mobilization
effort for World War II. America's First Look into the Camera: Daguerreotype Portraits &Views, 1839-1864 - consists of 600 photographs
dating from 1839 to 1864, concentrating on the daguerreotypes produced by the Matthew Brady studio. Photographs From the African Diaspora from
Museum of the African Diaspora. A mosaic version of a photograph by Chester Higgins Jr., composed of 2,000 images contributed by people
from all over the world, is the centerpiece of the Web site. It is also possible to search by keyword. Touring Turn-of-the-Century
America: Photographs from theDetroit Publishing Company, 1880-1920 - includes 25,000 glass negatives & transparencies as well as 300
color photographic prints, mostly of the eastern U.S. Washington As It Was: Photographs by Theodor Horydczak, 1923-1959 The American
Memory Project at the Library of Congress has created this online archive of Horydczak's work, which includes around 14,350 photographs.Women Come to the Front: Journalists, Photographers, &Broadcasters During WWII -concentrates on 8 out of over 100 American women who
had secured official military accreditation as war correspondents, if not actual front-line assignments. Smithsonian- Office of Imaging
and Photographic Services - central source for the creation, processing, distribution and archival storage of photographs and digital
images. Smithsonian: Photography. Resources and Links include: Smithsonian Photographs Online, National Zoo Photographs Online, Eliot
Elisofon Photographic Archives, and more. Online Exhibitions include: The Smithsonian Museum of American Art Exhibition, American
Photographs: The First Century, Reflections in Black: A History of Black Photographers, and more. Smithsonian Photography Initiative -
an online repository of images, a gateway to exhibitions, and a community where visitors can find not only images, but can also connect
with others with similar interests, ranging from experts to amateurs. See Enter the Frame, an interactive interface where visitors
can browse images from 19 Smithsonian museums Doris Ulmann Photograph Collection - University of Oregon Libraries created this fine
digital collection that provides access to 1,800 of approximately 12,000 images from the Ulmann Photograph Collection. Source for
rural people of the American South Photograph Archives, University of Utah Over 900 Collections are now accessible online. See Alphabetic
and Subject Index. Images of Arizona Photo Journey and behind the scenes look at the making of a TV show. Tribal dances, mountain
scenery, landscapes and more. PhotoGraphic Libraries The stock images, film and photo archives listed provide a creative source for
television producers, advertising agencies, libraries, education centres, picture researchers and Photojournalist researching visual
communications --contains national and private photographic collections. Documenting Black History: "Teenie" Harris Archive - exercise
in community curation- 1400 unidentified images at the site, with space for visitors to add comments and information. More images
to be added. Charles "Teenie" Harris was a Pittsburgh photographer who spent more than 40 years documenting the city's black community.
