A Woman's Place / Index / Next, arrow by  Mark Wacholtz

Please see my Political Page HERE!(I will be updating it as soon as possible.

This is this woman's place !!!

Hello! I believe that a woman's place is wherever she wants to go, especially to School, the boardroom, or the Web!!! I don't think it is in the Home, or in the Kitchen, or anywhere else she may not want to be. If you agree, or if you don't, please tell me -- I would love to hear from you, so Please:
Sign My Guestbook Guest Book by PROMOTION,
http://www.webpromotion.com/ View My Guestbook

Or, try my newly updated (8/20/00) page, called Thoughts On..., and see what I'm thinking about TODAY!

My latest Web Adventure has begun! I find coding HTML, by hand or with the limited assistance of MS Word's Internet Assistant, both fun and fascinating. Please join me in this grand adventure by looking at some of my pages. If you keep clicking on the ' Next ' arrow, you will see all of them except my ' Current ' and ' Previous Favorite Book ' pages, my new ' Books I Want to Buy ' page, and my UPDATED ' Thoughts On... ' page.

So enjoy yourself! After all:

He has spent his life best who has enjoyed it most. God will take care that we do not enjoy it any more than is good for us.
        Samuel Butler

As most women do, I have a lot of experience simplifying and then fixing problems of all sorts, and this is just


My Current Pages
Me, a woman
To read more from ME:

David To go to my (small) DUCHOVNY page:
Some PicturesTo see some PICTURES:
GardeningTo read about my garden, go HERE:

Just click to visit my I am now working in Association with Amazon.com Favorite Bookstore!

You see, I visit Amazon quite often already, and enjoy buying both books and CD's there, and if I (or you) buy through my link, I might actually get paid a percent!

Here are some friends on the Net:


Butterfly Thanks by ECLIPSE, http://www.eclipsedigital.com/
Here's looking at you, kid!

If anyone knows who created these eyes, please let me know so I can at least credit them, if not thank them! (found in my temporary internet files)

This is a Woman's Place
created by: A Woman
last modified: 8/20/00

URL: http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/4003

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