Hello all and welcome to my homepage! Thanks for all those who came back. You see the new banner above??? I'm not really sure if I should use it. What do you think??? Should I really remove the fruits and the little worm??? I'm really not sure, I sort of like both! Maybe you could help me decide!!! Please e-mail me telling me if you like the banner better or not. That would really help a lot!!! =o) Just so you all know, I decided to put my pages under my links so you can visit them more easier.
"Hamster-lovers", I made a new page about those cute little furry critters. Visit it by clicking
So, what's something that you can look forward to here??? That's Cherry's Animal of the Week. Every week or so, there will be a new animal. Basically I breafly describe my chosen animal. There's also pics avaliable so you know what it the animal looks like. Visit weekly to find out what the next animal is. Check out this week's animal!!!

Well, as you noticed, there are lots of animal animation and pics. That's because I'm crazy over animals!!! I love them so much. We are all aware of rainforest descruction, so why must we still destruct it??? Believe it or not, scientists can actually measure the rate of our rainforest destruction through satellite technology. They say by the year 2020 about 80-90% of our rainforests will be gone. Here's a great piece of advice that I've found.
We as humans are capable of either destroying or preserving our Earth. But whatever we do, good or bad will affect us all.

I truely believe that is true because we are capable of doing either of those two things. But hopefully the decision will be a good one and that is preserving our rainforests. But than again this is still a complicated procedure. But that still shouldn't stop us from our actions preserving this wonderfull place called a rainforest. Please if you are further interested by this subject, please visit my Human Impact on Rainforest Page

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This Week's Animal(new animal)
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Human Impact on RainForests(updated)

As I mentioned earlier, I love animals so I decided that I would make an "animal of the week" thing. Please if you would like an animal to be placed up here, please e-mail me telling me what kind of animal you like to be up here. I would more likely be glad to do it.

Some special cyber shout-outs...
Seawizard, Mystery, Mobas, Tigerfangs, G-Lynn, Norvil5000, Listerine-P, Solar Flare, ElectrikThrill, *BUSH*, Dede, John, and everyone else I've missed... (e-mail me if you want u're name here)
Some real-life shout-outs...
Tanya, Marta, Kristen, Janice, Sonia, Tracy, Edyta, Julia, Melissa, Milena, Chantel, Joy, Lisa, Kim, Tara, Natalie, Daniel, Jayan, AJ, Miller, Julian, Alex, Mark, Marlowe, Marcello, Mike, Frederico, Shawn, Jordan, Eddie, Reece, and the rest of ya in Goetz & Xavior! (ya know who you are!!!)

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Last Updated 31/5/98
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