Fred's Homepage 25k

Smartest Dog 13k

Hi, I'm Fred, the Smartest Dog in the World. I'm also very cute, as you can see here, and I like to show off my privates, as you can see in the photo at the bottom of this page! I've recently passed my Beginner Obedience class and can now claim the title of "Obedient Dog". Ask my Mom to see the certificate that proves it!

Click here to see some (very bad, but improving soon!) pictures of some of the other animals I share my home with. When you're done, visit the Bad Dog Chronicles to read my "bad dog" story. I won the award for the 1996 Bad Dog of the Year!

Fred, the smartest dog in the world
Red BulletFred's Favorite Places to Sniff:
White BulletAnimal Friends Shelter- My Old "Home"
White BulletAcme Pet: Your Guide To Pets on the Internet
White BulletSpazz's Bird Kids
White BulletHomepages of the Bunnies from the PetBunny Mailing List
White BulletRoy O'Grady, Popcorn and Prince's Homepage
White BulletDeanne's Raternity Ward
White BulletThe Cohn's Pet Loss Support Page

Fred showing off his privates to his Dad

Updated 27 March 1998 | © 1998 Kerry R. Krueger

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