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Year 2001 Edition - White Stork Project
Schools from three countries together
in Europe At School 2001 competition
Published by School M.A.R, Croatia, I.E.S.J-Sera, Spain
and G.S.G Moisil, Romania.
page:| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
Velike kazne za ugrožavanje roda!

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Intervju: Eko-tim škole MAR u posjeti Dr.Jasmini Mužinić. "Bijela roda je zaštićena vrsta Zakonom o zaštiti prirode (30/94). Njeno uznemiravanje, uzimanje jaja, rušenje gnijezda, ubijanje ili za bilo koju nedopuštenu radnju prekrašitelj bi nadoknadio štetu od 14.400 kn...
White Stork in Kopachevo Marshes

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The White Stork is a regular nest-builder in all the villages surrounding Kopacevo Marshes in East Croatia. Several pairs have tried nesting inside the Marshes. Due to the changes in their habitat where they used to feed, the population of white stork is decreasing. ...

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Storche oder ciconiidae gehoren zu den Selzvogeln. Sie werden bis zu 1,4 m. hoch. Sie haben einen langen Hals und einen Spitz-langen chnabel. Die Storche bauen ihre rundformige Nester auf dem Gebauden oder Baumen. Sie ernahren sich von Wassertieren, Mausen Und Schlangen. Am erbreitesten ist der Weisstorch oder "ADEBAR" gennant. Manshe bezeihnen ihn als "Klappenstorch"....
Man's influence on the Danube Delta
Untill about four decades the Danube Delta was one of the least man influenced territories given its inaccessibility and its hostility for permanent living. The few settlements were inhabited almost exclusively by fishers and the pieces of solid land were used for grazing. But since more than four decades, the consequences of the people's coming here are easy to remark and man's influence on the delta territory increased every year. During the last four decades man modified the Delta more than he did before... (E@S team Romania)
Bubbling species in natural biotopes
The framing of the bubbling species in different biotypes from the delta was made in concordance with the places where they put their nests and they reproduce.If a species is presented in two or many biotypes, the decisive framing is the relative density of its populations.Considering that this places for nestling tells very correctly the biotype of the specie and the bundle with all the ecological conditions, we framed the bubbling species in biotypes after this criteria, because these biotypes coresponde with the period for the reproducin ...
Europian white storks in Africa: Birds of Two Places

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"This is where and amongst whom hundreds of European White Storks spend their winter season in loose flocks. They are tall elegant white birds with mainly black wings and long red bill and legs, that loves to eat frogs, Locusts and grasshoppers. They soar high on the thermals and assemble at large insect concentrations such as locust plagues and at grass fires...."
(by Anne Outwater, http://www.newafrica.com/tanzania/article6.htm )
Swedish white stork projekt-Storkprojektet
White storks are migratory birds-here is the map of their flying routes from Sweden to Africa...see at: http://www.skof.se/stork.htm (in english)
Alternativna goriva i energenti
Europa i svijet nalaze se pred teškim problemom: kako smanjiti omečišćenost zraka i emisije tzv. stakleničkih plinova u atmosferi zbog čega nastaje globalno zatopljenje, ozonske rupe, kisele kiše itd.?
Ivana Jerković i Tanja Šoško 1.b, Škola MAR
zine refreshed: 24.04.2001 page:| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
Europe At School 2001 Competition Pages
White Stork Archives
online workspace, information about project and about
schools - partners in project, works, images, audio clips, links...
White Stork WWW Board
Come and participate in discussion, meet old and possibly find a new friends.
All people welcome.
White Stork Mail
All members of three School Teams are joined into
White Stork mail list.
White Stork Directory
Online database of ecology links: about Nature, Ecology, Plants,
Animals, Birds and finaly: about White Stork.
All people welcome.
White Stork Guestbook
Come and write your comments and impressions...
E-zine EkoMAR is published by teams of:
School M.A.R, Slav.Brod, Croatia
I.E.S.J. Sera, Palma de Mallorca, Spain
G.S.G Moisil, Braila, Romania
URL http://skola-mar.avalon.hr/ekomar
Contact with Editors:
Editor's Desk
In case of problems and for technical
assistance send mail to
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Thank You!
Online galery: children's drawings.
Some Storks there have four legs but do not argue with young
artists, they have right to their visions!
Old EkoMar zine,
version from yr 2000
Electronic zine EkoMAR, you are reading now, is produced in
online cooperation of school teams from three countries
joined together for Europe At School 2001 competition.
Zine is prepared and published with online automated
tools by members of school teams.
Internet and e-z Composer software, newest technologies used here,
are only media and tools, but real gold here is joining
of tens authors of articles spread in three countries and
values of their original works.