Welcome to my Zoo!!

In our hearts

Pupcake "Puppy" Rusk
Dec. 31, 1985 - Aug. 10, 1996
You will always be an angel

This page is now under construction for some updates and new links.
Stay tuned for the new and improved Steponme's Zoo!
No, not Newt Gingrich, but Sir Isaac and Fig.
Don't try this at home, errr...

A silence falls over the jungle night and only the trickle
of water flowing over the moss laden rocks can be heard.
Suddenly, nature has found a way!
Silence is broken by the mating song of
the Firebellied Toad and frog-kind is no longer what it seems.
Follow the webbed feet to the Amphibian House
and learn the latest on the culture of our exotic friends.
Are they bumpin' uglies or just plain bumpy ugly?

You know, visitors have been to
this zoo so far and only two of them have contracted warts!!
Take your chances and come on back now ya hear?!?

Links to Some Cool Stuff

  • Iguanas
  • See what Mikey Likes...
  • Drop a penny in the Wishing Well

  • Copyright © 1996, Steponme.
    All rights reserved.
    Last Updated August 23, 1998

    Comments to: wishes@wam.umd.edu.

    Go to the RainForest GeoPage