
Mission Statement

The OHIO FAMILY FARM COALITION works for the preservation and strengthening of family farm agriculture and rural communities through [research], education, legislation [and policy development], communication, [advocacy], and market development.


The goals of the OHIO FAMILY FARM COALITION are:

I. To preserve and strengthen the family farm system of agriculture in Ohio and maintain high standards of justice, ethics, and stewardship within the institution of farming. To these ends, we will work to ensure that there remains a broad base of farm ownership in Ohio in order to maintain a prosperous and secure economic base for the majority of Ohio's rural population while also promoting policies to guarantee high standards of public health, worker safety and respect, and environmental quality in our state's rural communities. As the rapid industrialization of agriculture threatens these economic, social, health and environmental values, we also shall work to bring state laws and policies into existence that will:
ensure that industrialized agricultural operations are responsible community members; ensure that the industrialization of agriculture proceeds in a socially balanced fashion which serves the greatest number of Ohioans and that it proceed in harmony with family farm agriculture, not in replacement thereof;
maintain the diversified food production system that has characterized our nation's agricultural productivity and self-sufficiency; and
ensure that industrialized agricultural operations are responsibly and reliably regulated in a manner that recognizes their unique public health and environmental impacts and their potential for, and history of, disrupting the quality of life of their neighbors in rural areas, their exploitation of workers, and their base treatment of farm animals.

II. To conduct research into the economic, health, environmental, social and justice issues regarding family farm agriculture and industrialized agriculture and to educate the general public, both rural and urban, and our federal, state and local officials, regarding these issues and their implications for the quality of life for all Ohioans, both now and in the future.

III. To promote initiatives to achieve just prices and access to markets for the commodities produced by family farmers. To promote the buying of family farm products by consumers, by publicizing their quality, safety, and value in maintaining a family farm system of agriculture to supply the nation's food needs. To anticipate and analyze trends in agricultural economics in order to assist family farmers in successfully adapting to new production and marketing conditions.

IV. To secure these goals through the maintenance of a permanent, staffed, non-profit organization under the laws of the State of Ohio that
supports an active, dues-paying membership of family farmers and their supporters across the state,
serves as an effective spokesperson for the interest of family farmers across Ohio, conducts high-quality educational, research and advocacy initiatives on the behalf of family farmers,
raises funds and obtains grants to maintain a strong organization and effective programs, and
joins in partnership with like-minded organizations across the nation in furtherance of these goals.

A family farm is defined as one in which the farm's ownership, assets, management and major decisions are controlled by at least one family member on the farm. A corporate farm is defined as a legal structure which limits its liabilities only to corporate assets on matter such as debt, environmental liabilities, contracts, etc. suggested additional language is noted between the brackets to ensure consistence with the "goals".

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Last modified Tuesday, January 18th, 2000

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