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Ok Ok... this page is the index.... below you'll find links for:
Roy Garza's Homepage... The Alacranes Reef Page, Biology & Diving experiences, and for the Team Wombats from Web Camp...
I hope you visit All Pages... (that's what they are for!!)...ok so please follow the link you prefer or need..
In Roy Garza's homepage there's a link for an English version of that page... don't quit so fast!... The Wombats Team Page is in Clear and Pure English....
So please proceed:
Roy Garza's Homepage

1997 was the International Year Of The Coral Reefs, take a look at what are we still doing here!!... we have AMAZING Pics!!...Try It!
and pay attention!!...1998 is the Intenational Ocean's Year... something good will come up soon!....
Shots From The Alacranes Reef, Mexico.
The Joy Of The Life At Sea (in Spanish... soon an english version will be available)
Wombats Team Homepage 
A Tale written by me! Un cuento escrito por mi! Nos Vemos en Mayo!
Where Earth Becomes Paradise / Donde La Tierra se Covierte en El Paraíso!. Pictorial
Shockwave Adventure Zone!!!

Last UpDate: 10131998
Comentarios, sugerencias, opiniones...
Comments, suggestions, send 'em to me!
Mandalos:Rodrigo Garza