..to "Kusçu" (Bird Lover) Faik's Corner...


Murat Faik Özçelik Asli Sezer

Natural Wonders of TURKEY-by Faik

"Sultan Sazligi" Kayseri-TURKEY: Bird-watching in the marshes

Our group is continiously updating this site
to bring you more about our bird watching activities in Turkey.
We are committed ourselves to preserve wild-life, search bird species and understand their
natural habitat. We would also like to collaborate with other environmentalist groups around the world.

Collection of Faik includes 5000 bird pictures!!(© Faik 96)

We organize bird watching and wild-life tours in four different seasons accross Turkey (TÜRKIYE).
These tours recently revealed some bird species and subgroups which were previously unknown.
One of our most favorite tours is to Kaçkar Mountains (+3000m) in the northeast,
Black Sea Region of Turkey. With its rainy climate, fresh water, sources, lagoons and deep
green forests, Kachkar serves the best of the nature to the nature lovers, trackers and bird watchers.


"Kizil Ardiç" bird of Turkey (TOP): from our recent Kaçkar tour (BOTTOM)

We are currently enhancing this page with more slides and interesting articles from our tours.
If you have any questions about our activities, please do not hesitate to contact us from the
e-mail address given below. We plan our tours on a continious base, so you always have a good
chance to catch one right away.


LISTEN TO OUR MESSAGES : Updates for Upcoming Tours and Activities

Welcome and Updates - Nov 15, 1996 (22.7 Kb, RA)(needs minimum RAPlayer 2.0)
Dinle ve kendine gel "Zuluf" Turkish folk song: Akif playing the baglama (119 Kb, use RA 3.0)
bunu da dinle "Kaytani" Azeri-Turkish folk song for dancing: Akif playing the baglama (119 Kb, use RA 3.0)

PHOTO GALLERY: Natural Wonders of Turkey (mostly birds)

Kachkar Mountains-Glacier, Rize-Turkey (31.4 Kb, JPG)
Sultan Sazligi (lake and everglade), Kayseri-Turkey (13.9 Kb, JPG)
Erciyes Mountain-4 pictures combined-, Kayseri-Turkey (87.4 Kb, JPG)
Highlands near Kackar Mountains, Rize-TR (Kb, JPG)
Search in "Sultan sazligi" marshes, Kayseri-TR (Kb, JPG)
"Kizil Ardic" Bird (18.4 Kb, JPG)
"Ispinoz" Bird (11.7 Kb, JPG)
"Iskete" Bird (16.4 Kb, JPG)
"Artvin Kertenkelesi" (13.4 Kb, JPG)
"Cizgili Sinek-kapan" Bird (18.4 Kb, JPG)
"Keler" (8.0 Kb, JPG)
"Kizil Kuyruk" Bird (5.2 Kb, JPG)
"Kizil Sahin" Bird (49.1 Kb, JPG)
A group of "Pembe Sigircik" Birds (Kb, JPG)
"Disi (female) Kuyruk-kakan" Bird (15.9 Kb, JPG)
"Dik-Kuyruk" Bird (10.7 Kb, JPG)
"Sumuklu Bocek" (31.4 Kb, JPG)
"Flamingo" Birds (9.2 Kb, JPG)
Bull-fin?ger..??(couln't get its name from Faik) Bird (Kb, JPG)


Discover Turkey Page (Everything about Turkey and countless other links to Turkey)
M. A. Baysal's home page (Credits for helping us with HTML and maintaining this page)
E. Çesmeli's home page (Credits for supporting)
S. Gülgönül's home page (Credits for supporting)


Balikesir-Turkey, hometown of "Kuscu" Faik (53 Kb)
"Kuscu" Faik, searching for fish-eating birds in a Turkish lake(Kb, JPG)
"Kuscu" Faik, Akif, Asli, Hande at a home meeting in Ankara(53 Kb)
Turkish Bird-watching\Environmentalist Group (Kb, JPG)
Erdogan and Hur in a bus for a funky West-coast Turkey trip(19.4 Kb)

PUBLICATION LIST (mainly articles by "Kuscu" Faik)

We have just included this part..coming up very soon

CONTACT PERSONS Mektubunu asagidaki adreslere tiklayip yolla

Murat Faik Özçelik
Biology, Hacettepe University, ANKARA, T U R K E Y

© 1996 birdwatch@geocities.com(He checks his e-mail once a week)

Asli Sezer
Remote Sensing Lab., Middle East Technical Unv., ANKARA, T U R K E Y

© 1996 asezer@rorqual.cc.metu.edu.tr(She checks her e-mail every day)

people visited since Nov 14, 1996

Designed by M. Akif Baysal and "Kusçu" Faik

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