Hello and welcome to my garden! This site is filled with many delightful things. My name is Tina and I am
am the garden's caretaker. The garden is sectioned off into several areas: personal stuff, the environment,
UNIX tutorial, HTML tutorial and resources, and a picture tour of Berlin. Feel free to leisurely stroll
around and check out all the different places. Please let me know you were here by signing my guestbook
before you go! Enjoy!
Personal Page
The Greener Side!
Making Connection Within UNIX
Snuffles' HTML Workshop
Berlin vor Ort-A Virtual Tour of Berlin
Reference Page
Maps, Search Engines, Time, Who Where, and more!
Eastern Standard Time |
Pacific Standard Time |
Unfortunately, these clocks only work for Netscape/Firefox users. |

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At Work!
Last Revised 9/5/2005
Click here to see graphics credits.