Just a short and new introduction to you. My name is Cindy, I have been off and on this web for several years now. I now live in PA. and at this tiem have no desire to change. I welcome your visit to my pages and hope to bring changes to this halls soon.
"Treat the earth well: it was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you by your children. We do not inherit the Earth from our Ancestors, we borrow it from our Children."
As you will see, by touring the tree house, Native American history and Spiritualism is very important to me. In conjunction with that there is also the desire to help Mother Nature survive, many do not take care of the gifts we have been blessed with. Help me and all those concerned in the preservation of our eco system, use GREEN products.
We have made progress here on these here pages. LOL..
Look at the new information I have added to my tiny place in the
huge world known as THE INTERNET.
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You are one of people to have braved
the torrential rains. I hope you find my tree house to your liking...Thanks come often.
Drop me mail and let me know what you think of these pages.
Comments always Welcome. Have a Great day!
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