Welcome to the BUGNET

Dear BUGNET Friends. Unfortunately, our site has been hacked! We apologize to those who have seen inappropriate matter in our guest book. Be assured that this information was not posted by The BUGNET. Thank you for your understanding, and please come back soon. (Unless you are a hacker with too much free time and too little intelligence to put your efforts to good use.)

Hi, Briton is my name and bugs are my game. I love all
bugs- nothing is too creepy or crawly for me! Check out this page for my
latest bug discoveries here in the Southeast. You won't believe all the
cool stuff I find! Currently my favorite bugs are Walking Sticks (very cool)
and the Fireflies but that may change at any time.
You should REALLY check out the new mystery bug- it is very, very scary! If you have a clue then NAME THAT BUG, ya big smarty pants!

(fan of Briton)

The New FOB is Miss Nanette!.
A salute to the new FOB Miss Nanette.
Miss Nanette was my 3K and 4K daycare teacher and she is cool beans! What makes her so special is that she loves some bugs and all animals almost as much as I do and has really helped me learn more about them. Her full page will be ready soon so you can get to know her better and learn about Coco, Buster,Willie, my old school.... lots of stuff!

The New Featured Creatures

Hot Links
Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institutite -this place is bug
The Field Musem in Chicago
- another great bug resource.
The Bug Store -an environmentally friendly place to help
keep the bugs from bugging you!
American Science and Surplus
-a great place to find rubber bugs and lots of other cool stuff.

Well that's all for now but come back often because just
like bugs this page is constantly evolving so bookmark this page right NOW!

Want to talk to me? Cool, I want to hear from you! Send me e-mail.
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since 10/1/96. Thanks for stopping by!
This page was created by my Poppy. If you like it let him know!
This page last updated on September 1, 1998.
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