Dandy's Page of Stuff

"Dance like nobody's watching, love like you've never been hurt."


Heyas :) Not sure that you really want to know that much about me, but... here we go anyway :) I'm a 20-yr-old college sophomore at Hamline University (thats right; just a youngin'), about five six, black hair, brown eyes. I love doing all sorts of stuff, from enviro activism (I recently became a member of MPIRG and have been a member of SEAC for 3 yrs or so) to music and all sorts of stuff in between :) I plan to double major in polisci and enviro studies, and complete the premed program; my goal is to eventually go into environmental medicine. I play tsax, flute, piccolo, and a bit of asax, and like listening to most music and love reading too :)

Lotsa stuff for interested folks to do. i want this to be a place ppl can come to for information; more importantly, i want it to be a resource of things they can do to become (pro)active in society. It is especially a collection of stuff that I love, so you basically have a snapshot of my life (oh, lucky you;))Beware, however; the page is biased in that I am very liberal; however, I believe that the urge to get involved to improve society is universal. So pick out what you like, ignore what you dont like, and tell me whats in between so that we can get it on here. Most of all, be sure to *do* something! based on your beliefs and convictions. So here we go!!

Some Neat Things

  • Getting Involved
  • Online Publications and Media
  • Environmental Justice
  • Local Flavor
  • Music
  • Parting Thoughts
  • "A Brave and Startling Truth", Maya Angelou
  • Some of my favorite things
  • "If Men Could Menstruate," Gloria Steinem

  • Vietnam
  • A class project that actually turned out fairly well. It covers various parts of the Vietnam War era, from links to the Vietnam Memorial Wall, the 1968 Democratic National Convention, and the 1970 Kent State massacre that left four students dead. Very enlightening, especially so for people (like myself) who initially knew very little about the war.

    doesnt do too much for balance, i know... but its one of my favorite comics :) enjoy :)

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    Last Updated 03.12.98

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