Mr Bill's RainForest Home

Exotic & Endangered Animals and Pets

Or, How we spend all our hard-earned money

Hi to one and all! We are the Bills. Actually, my name is Bill and my wife is Mrs Bill. We are pleased to be owned by Harley, a Scarlet Macaw; Charley, an African Grey; Houdini, a one-legged female African ringneck parakeet (who was a rescue); Peachy, a 30-pound doorstop/cat; Groucho and Jello (cuz there's always room for Jello) our other two cats; JD, our "mom" German Shepherd; Sinner, our 110-lb "baby" German Shepherd; Sinderella, his sister; several tanks of freshwater fish. We have also been owned by two Burmese Pythons, who were given to breeders when they became waaaaaaaaaay too large for Mrs Bill to handle, and Wyler, our dearly-departed iguana. We expect to move to Alberta, where we plan to breed parrots like Harley and Charley and Houdini. As you can see, we have quite an interest in exotic animals as well as the usual household pets. We believe strongly in researching before purchasing any pet. Our cats were pound rescues; even a cute little kitten can become too much work for someone who doesn't understand the physical effort and financial commitment that comes with being a responsible pet owner. Read this quick note on animals and pet care for more ideas, and get back to me with your views.

Are you interested in Alternative Energy? I'm interested in solar and renewable energy sources, especially concerning our Alberta homesteading plans.

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Family & Friends Information
FreeToBe Endangered Animals
Peachy, who runs IRC Channel Cool Canadians Exotic Pets
Cool artwork & Tees Alt. Energy Construction
Mrs Bill
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