We are moving to http://plant.agr.hokudai.ac.jp  HERE

Experimental title of my lab.Experiemental Titles

Mailing list system is open (24 hrs)-NEW-. Let's talk about plant nutrition, food, ecology, etc. If you want to subscribe, mail this address(plant@ml.hokudai.ac.jp). and put the following sentence inside.(Title is not required.)

subscribe plant your@address

Board system about plant nutrition is open.(Open 24hr)(Several documents are written in Japanese, I am translating now) board

Large numbers of Journals added!!. Journals

Welcome! you are th visitors since 5th September 1996.

日本語のページはこちらです。(Japanese Page) here

Voce esta na area inglesa, para visitar a pagina portuguesa clique aqui

Welcome to our Home Page. Laboratory of Plant Nutrition, Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University, Japan, serves you this site.

Last update 7th November 1997

Be honest to Plants.

You can not find the truth on the desk but on the field.

Thank you very much for your access. I have got 1000th visitor on 11th November 1996 from a resident in Sappro. 2000th visitor on February 1997 from a resident in Sapporo. 3000th visitor was myself on 11th April. 4000th visitor was from Mie prefecture, Japan on 21st June (Present was Brazilian Sweets). 5000th visitor was unknown (please contact me!), on 4th September 1997. 6000th visitor was from Hokkaido Univ. on 4th November 1997. Thank you very much. I decided to have next program.

If you got 7777th count, please contact me, I will offer you a present.

Rice transplanting.Click to see.

Photos of memebers are adding now.Click to visit member site.

Experimental titles in 1997.Experimental titles

New pictures are avalable now Pictures

Here you can find our experimental field. Pictures

Plant Nutrition and Soil Science over the WORLD

Introduction of Laboratory (Japanese only)

Experimental titles (in English)

">Members list of Plant Nutrition of Hokkaido University includes Email address and activity report

">Related Members list of Plant Nutrition of Hokkaido University includes Email address

Other related sites

  • WWW of Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University -- Try other web sites!

  • WWW of University of Hokkaido -- Try!

    Any question or request please send me a letter Takuro Shinano.

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