This is the Israeli X-File's Gillian Anderson Home Page, this Home page was made by Nir B.D., hope you'll like it !!!, In Israel ! Watch the X - Files every tuesday at 23:05 on channel 2 !!!

The Israeli Gillian Anderson's H.P.

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Hi... My name is Nir B.D., I'm from ISRAEL. This is the first ISRAELI G.A./X.F. Home Page. I like to give my thanks to Geocities.

If you like to leave me some mail then:

For all the girls that thier boyfriend crazy about Gillian Anderson, CLICK HERE!

Some famous pictures of GA:

Goto The Picture Gallery ->

Some Links:

The K00LEST Animated Poster !!!
The K00L Israeli I WANT TO BELIEVE page. Includes: Israel Want's to belive animated /unanimated poster,
and I Want To Beleive poster.

Hi I made a nice VRML called "X-RooM", I made the room but i don't know what to put in it! If you have some seggestions mail me please...
X-RooM, VRML format in the zip file.

If you like to know how did i maked the COUNTER goto