Welcome to Spot's Spot

Home of Michele & the Flock

Hello! Welcome to my homepage (such as it is)! I am Michele, AKA Spot. I live here with my flock, and my australian shepherd Spottie. For those of you who don't know us, let us introduce ourselves:

Michele....I am the flockleader ;-). I am also a master garderner and a Girl Scout leader. I live in Mississippi with my husband Dan, 4 kids (one of whom has started setting up a homepage over in Paris somewhere), 8 birds and 2 dogs. I grow lots of vegetables for the people and the flock. We have 6 kinds of hot peppers up in the garden so far! If you like hot peppers as much as I do, be sure and check out the links to the Chile-heads page, and the Transcendental Capsaicinophilic Society!

Carita....Carita is the head bird. She is a Yellow-nape Amazon hatched in 1988. Carita can talk up a storm, and will tell you that she is NOT A BIRD! Carita hates...

BigBird....BigBird is a Lilac-crowned Amazon, who has lived with me since 1977. We aren't sure how old BigBird is, but I would guess he is at least 35. He is very shy and quiet (unless you are eating something and not sharing it).

Pico....Pico is "the baby". He is a Blue & Gold Macaw, who was hatched in 1994. Pico is usually known as Pico The Good Bird, but he has his moments.

Sebe....Sebe is an Orange-bellied Senegal, who was hatched in 1995. He is also known as The Mighty Bird. He is just a little guy, but he thinks he is an eagle! He fights with...

Squeaky....Or maybe Squeaky fights with everybody! Squeaky is a Peach Faced Lovebird who was hatched in 1994. Squeaky is my daughter Kathy's bird, but hey...he is part of the flock! And a very important part of the flock too!

Buddy....Buddy is a blue budgie who hatched in 1995. He is another "grandbird", he belongs to Kristin (the one with the homepage in Paris).

Fred & Ginger Fred & Ginger are lutino cockateils that moved in with us in 1994. They are working on a family. ;-)

And last, but not least....Spottie....Spottie is my Australian Shepherd, and is the flockherder. Anyone who is familiar with Aussies knows just how wonderful Spottie is! She moved in on our front porch 7 years ago, and then moved right into out hearts. Spottie's sidekick is Midnight, my son's black lab.

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Links to other sites on the Web

The Aviary- A great, all purpose, bird link!
Those Majestic Macaws! It speaks for itself!
The Chile-Head's home page.
Transcendental Capsaicinophilic Society
Hot AIR: rare and well done tidbits from the Annals of Improbable Research
Lovebird List Homepage

Just a few more links....keep an eye out for new ones!

IPPL Homepage
World Wildlife Fund
Happy Puppy's Front Porsche
Colormaker Tutorial
For the truly adventurous, a link to my 16 year old daughter's page
Exotic-L's Homepage

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© 1996 spottie@teclink.net

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