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Turtle Coast Nature

Welcome to the Natural World of Brevard County, Florida, USA, where the Shuttle flies!

The Turtle Coast Group of the Sierra Club has been  moved to at the National Sierra Club. Visit there to see the new website.

National Sierra Club
Florida Chapters of Sierra Club
Turtle Coast Group of Sierra Club San Francisco website

Frank Leslie


Other local environmental information not involving Sierra Club follows below.

Parks: Erna Nixon Park. Boardwalks, Florida scrub, pond life. Turkey Creek Sanctuary: Boardwalks, Turkey Creek, nature center, Florida scrub, and library.

The Atlantic Coast of Brevard County from Cocoa Beach to Vero Beach is one of the primary nesting areas of the Loggerhead sea turtles. Each May through July, these huge turtles come ashore to lay their eggs at the high dune edge. In August, hatchlings emerge at night to crawl back to the sea. The highest concentration of these nests is from Melbourne Beach to Floridana Beach.

A major migratory bird sanctuary exists at the Merritt Island National Refuge north of the Kennedy Space Center. Ocala National Forest and the Canaveral National Seashore are also our frequent destinations. Everglades National Park is located in South Florida.

At the Turkey Creek Sanctuary in Palm Bay, we frequently make service trips to assist the rangers in area maintenance. The Margaret Hames Nature Center, named for a famed local plant expert, is also located here. This Center contains an extensive nature library, displays, and serves as the ranger headquarters for the board-walked park.

Pelican Island, located towards the ocean from Sebastian in the Indian River Lagoon, was the first designated wildlife preserve, set aside by President Teddy Roosevelt in 1903.


The World Meteorological Organization stated that 1995 was the hottest year since records began being kept in 1861. The average surface temperature was 0.72 degrees higher than in the last 3 decades and the Atlantic hurricane season included 11 storms of hurricane strength -- the second highest total since records began in 1886.

The Natural Resources Defense Council reports that approximately 64,000 Americans will die prematurely this year due to heart and lung diseases caused by air pollution.

Contact Government officials and let them know how you feel on the issues.

Environmental Addresses for legislators and agencies (to be updated for the last elections)


Environmental Addresses

Related Environmental Links
Affiliated Interest Groups
Government Groups
League of Conservation Voters
Florida Legislature
Friends of the Enchanted Forest
The Nature Conservancy
The Turkey Creek Sanctuary, Palm Bay FL
Malabar Greenways, Palm Bay FL
Brevard County, FL Parks and Recreation, Email: J McClarty

Home Power Magazine

Dep't of Energy

Planetary Power of Melbourne FL is a local supplier of alternative energy photovoltaic systems and components.

Other Florida Websites

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On television as of 10/1/97:

On FM Radio in or near Melbourne FL:

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Page Last Changed: 07/27/2004 05:36 PM

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