<BGSOUND SRC="/eluslvebtrfly/ebtrfly.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>
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Funny how life is constantly changing,   What was once, is no longer, and things that have never been are.
Then there are the things that you never thought could be, That Will be soon!   ~
Poetry By: patricia
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"cool stuff"
Coming Soon!!
"In The Spotlight"
Once again I find myself "Flashing Back" To Leah's place. She and her wonderful friends have created even more free graphics for you to use & have added some really cool stuff to their pages. "Bonus" Looking for a wav file, you have to check out her "request page"  UNBELIEVABLE!! Sign her guestbook and tell her Elusivebtrfly sent you :o)
Annie's Place!
Click here
The song that is playing is "Elusive Butterfly" By: Bob Lind I am not aware of what the copy rights are for this song . Feel free to email me with this info if known. I am not here to make money or in any other way infringe upon it's use. Thank you.