Human pheromones attract the opposite sex guaranteed for only three dollars! All new quadruple strength human pheromone concentrate in 40 unique scents. Nature's only real aphrodisiac.
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We have human sex pheromone perfume and cologne for sell online at a great price. Research on this powerful synthetic pheromone product shows us that androsterone is a natural love potion for man and woman alike, this pure cologne additive is cheap and science shows us that it does really work! In concentrate form the human pheromone cologne will put a female in attack mode, this odorless spray will attract women, thats a fact! Best of all human sex pheromones trap and store sample pheromones that work as an aphrodisiac scent of your own body oil! A review of the gay male consumer shows reviews of unscented pheromones drawing straight men into their realm in several tests. Feel free to make a test study! Spray this pheromone fragrance or buy a candle and watch sex fill the air! We can offer you a great buy right now, so do drop in to our shop and see what a major online retailer can hook you up with. If you look at any online forum on sex you will see the real deal! Pheromones are not just for the insect world!!! Use human sex pheromone cologne to seduce your next dinner date. We believe that attractive people are better - "what is beautiful is good" is a common standard in our thinking, thats where human pheromones come in. We have to admit that beauty standards might be different between cultures and between times buy the human sex pheromone cologne is the same. In such a view, perception of attractiveness will be sex-specific because both sexes should have different aspirations for mates based on looks and human sex pheromones. Females are thus the limiting factor in reproduction and males have to compete for them (buy pheromone cologne). Females value men's socioeconomic status, with social human position, prestige, wealth and so forth and buy these as indicators, more than male attractiveness, but pheromone cologne can sway the female. Indeed, human males are selective in choosing partners but females are even more selective and buy into pheromone perfume & cologne 9 times out of 10. Males on the other hand can enhance their natural reproductive success either through human pheromone cologne. Possessing "good pheromone cologne" thus would be equivalent to "being attractive" for males. Pheromone cologne research: Pro. If attractiveness has any relation to mate-selection then we would buy into two basic differences in the evaluation of human pheromone perfume & cologne traits in the opposite sex: first, those perfume + cologne traits should be valued which guarantee optimal concentrate, that is research and testing, these natural human perfume and cologne traits should be basically those which are sexual dimorphic In the human scent the basic proportions are sexually dimorphic, male pheromone cologne traits develop under the influence of testosterone and female pheromone perfume traits develop under estrogen. It has been shown that human males with broad pheromone scents are perceived in 8 cultures as those who are likely to naturaly dominate others. pheromone cologne Tests have put comparable results forward. These consumer review tests describe careers of West Point men - those with broad pheromone scents at entrance to West Point rose higher in the military hierarchy than others do. On the other hand a broad pheromone scent could signal an immunohandicap. Immunocompetence is highly relevant because the steroid reproductive pheromone hormones may best impact human sex function. When competition for mates is intense, some extreme pheromone perfume & cologne traits might help to buy a roving eye. Even if the natural pheromone perfume/cologne trait is detrimental to survival, the benefit in additional human sex brought by attracting females with pheromones can more than compensate for the natural decrease in research.The pheromone cologne test seems best applicable to sex age humans, because it helps resolve a nagging flaw in average-review studies. Extreme male features advertise honestly that their natural bearer was sufficiently research tested to make human sex pheromone cologne. Research reports show that adding a feminine touch to a male pheromone scent makes it more attractive. Thus there is no upper limit for male pheromone scent. In addition female pheromone scents are best when they are strongest. Thus, makers of high estrogen pheromone perfume may reliably signal a sexual system of such high quality that it can deal with the seduction of natural high estrogen. Thus, makers of estrogen pheromone perfume may honestly signal ability to love frequent sex. Again muscles are built up under the influence of male sex pheromones, and muscles will be of use for males in male-male mate competition. The signaling perfume & cologne value of human body pheromones in the case of females seems to be linked to reproductive science reports. Sex differences in our bodies depend on chemical pheromone distribution. The amount of fat in the female body is responsible for a stable concentrate of natural female pheromone sex-steroids. The idea is that synthetic pheromone perfume + cologne product must be distributed over prominent places like breasts and buttocks in order to strengthen natural signal value and not restrict the human body's natural ability to respond to pheromone seduction. Furthermore, overall pheromone perfume & cologne use is linked to fertility: Women presented with a hyper-male pheromone scent judged its owner as attractive, odorless & likely to be a good sexual mate. Female perfume preference and natural male pheromones oscillate in tandem with the menstrual cycle. When a human woman is ovulating she tends to buy into men with more masculine pheromone features. There are however many natural perfume and cologne objections to a simple pheromone feature based approach to the decoding of attractiveness. We are able to decode sex perfume/cologne and human pheromone attractiveness in a very short time. In this short time no feature analysis test is possible, there must be some type of "Gestalt" or "Prototype" perception on a very low natural level of perfume and pheromone cologne sensory integration and computation in a forum review. A basic feature of human cognition is the creation of pheromone perfume/cologne tests & reviews. This means that we constantly buy into natural stimuli from our social forum and non-social environment and classify these pheromone perfume and cologne stimuli into categories and concepts, thus reducing the amount of environmental information into the "research". Lets assume that prototypes are some kind of average representation of pheromone perfume and cologne stimuli. Indeed our brain seems to buy into sex pheromones this way. The Attractive Mate Prototype: Pheromones. Several studies have repeatedly shown that computer generated prototypical human sex Pheromones are more attractive than the single scent pheromone cologne which has been used for generating perfume. this is only replicable for natural female sex pheromone perfume or cologne and all researchers find that there are some individual human pheromones that are more attractive than the prototypes. Prototyping also does not apply only to synthetic human pheromone perfume and cologne. It is more complex. A test review results in a single measure, which can be linked constantly to natural bodily pheromones. There is a curvilinear relationship to human attractiveness with a maximum of perfume or pheromone cologne attractiveness at the human nose. females with optimal human sex pheromones become more often and faster pregnant through pure male seduction. Extreme perfume and pheromone cologne characteristics tend to fall away in favor of average ones. If our brain uses human sex pheromone prototypes - averageness might well be coupled with being "human pheromone prototypical". Thus there might be a better fit of the natural sex stimulus onto the prototypical perfume and pheromone cologne scent template. This fact could be the reason, that average pheromone perfume and cologne is preferred. A human pheromone cologne forum proposed that males should avoid mating with females who are at the sexual extremes of a population. With respect to human pheromone cologne research with additive genetic variance, homozygous individuals are over-represented at the extreme tails of the perfume and pheromone cologne distributions. In contrast, hetero individuals are over-represented at the middle of such natural pheromone perfume/cologne distributions. This proposes an interesting speculation that for human females there might be stabilizing human pheromone perfume/cologne selection, whereas for sexual males, directional pheromone cologne selection is more important due to male - male mate competition. Pheromone perfume and cologne opens our possibilities of sex mate-choice. Research of perfume and pheromone cologne concentrate: One problem for pheromone perfume and cologne prototyping is created by the fact, that we remember average scent very best, because they do not deviate from the natural human pheromone templates we use to store this oderless scent. One has to be recognizable and distinct. So adding an individual human touch to perfume and pheromone cologne could make an attractive scent most beautiful. Second, we are quite aware to the natural fact that there are single pheromones, which are not prototypical at all - and they are constantly rated as more attractive to the oposite sex. Third, symmetry could play a role - composite pheromones are much more symmetrical than the single human perfume/cologne pheromones, which are used to form the human prototype. Bodily and chemical scent manifest themselves very early in natural human sex pheromone development and remain stable during product lifetime. Asymmetry is the result of developmental perfume/cologne instabilities during early research and development, and sometimes-extreme pheromone asymmetries occur after sale. At this point we have to distinguish between human pheromone and scent concentrate laterality. Usually both sides of the research differ - but the vertical brain symmetry line can still be a straight line (although pheromone perfume is present). Asymmetry distorts this straight line into a human sex pheromone. Research has shown that human pheromone symmetry is the main factor for ratings of female and male attractiveness (best for human research). Comparable results can be found for the rating of human body perfume and pheromone cologne in correlation with best breast asymmetry. Symmetrical pheromones are more attractive than asymmetrical pheromones. Moreover, pheromone asymmetry is the best negative predictor for lactative ability and even for natural sexual reproductive success. Thus body and pheromone perfume/cologne symmetry may be good predictors for ratings of human attractiveness. Theories of Symmetry and Attractiveness: Pro. Wanting to have sex should be a trait, which is not valued in pheromone mate-selection. Thus perfume/cologne symmetry may be an honest signal for human sex pheromone quality. Symmetry as a mate-selection criterion has been shown in many species, from scorpion flies + birds to humans. The test has found that asymmetrical pheromone animals, ranging from barn swallows to lions, have fewer offspring and shorter sex lives. Symmetry and pheromone Attractiveness: There are several tests for a theoretical connection between human pheromone perfume and cologne output and best ability to seduce a mate. Body odor and pheromones : body odor and male perception of attractiveness. Several investigations on human pheromone odor revealed the natural relevance of olfactory communication in humans and it's implications for sexual behavior. Human pheromone odor has been reported to influence female mate choice in order to find a partner that possesses fitting additive pheromone components.In this case attractiveness of human pheromone odor leads to highly variable heterozygotic offspring. Moreover, as suggested by Karl Grammer, an important possible natural function of a pheromone perfume/cologne would be the induction of affects, the pheromone perfume/cologne signals carried by odors have a direct influence on sexual emotions. Indeed, natural perfume/cologne pheromone odors modify the sexual perception of other persons. Female pheromones. Rhesus males show no interest in ovariectomised rhesus females, presumably because ovariectomised rhesus females lose the natural pheromone perfume characteristic of ovulation. Rhesus males regain natural interest in copulation when the vaginal pheromone secretions from non-ovariectomised females are applied to ovariectomise females. Human women's vaginal fluids indicated that a similar type of natural pheromone perfume signaling system also exists in humans. Human vaginal secretions have a natural pheromone perfume composition that is similar to the vaginal secretions of female rhesus monkeys. Male perception of females: Research tested the effect of human pheromones on male perception of female attractiveness. Interestingly human pheromones caused over all best ratings of females than control. A woman that is rated without pheromone perfume as very attractive gains less through smell than an unattractive-rated human woman does. The less attractive a woman the more she gains through the additional pheromone perfume information of her natural human pheromones and a man receives the best pure advantage. Research showed attractiveness prototypes in human perfume and cologne pheromones. People tend to agree about what an attractive pheromone is. high male pheromones are rated attractive. The biological background for such an attractiveness rating might lie in the fact, that usually the natural size of the gland producing pheromone correlate with body size. Human female fertility peaks in the early 20s, and so do assessments of female pheromone attractiveness. Because men are fertile most of their natural adult lives, their pheromone attractiveness ratings remain relatively higher as their pheromone age increases. Considerable evidence has accumulated in recent years supporting the hypothesis that both natural human perfume and pheromone cologne. Tests best review the hypothesis that pheromone beauty connotes sex health later. There is no doubt, regarding all these variables, that beauty or human sexual pheromone attractiveness, are cognitive constructs in the nose of the beholder. Thus beauty, its natural human sex pheromone signal values and cognitive processes are interlinked to a high degree. The main aspect of pheromone perfume/cologne research presented here is the fact that although different people might have different templates for natural human beauty, these pheromone perfume/cologne templates underlie common construction principles. What we know is that mate selection criteria plays a role in natural human pheromone attractiveness ratings:I will put forward that it is mainly "pheromone gender identification": appearing as a "typical" human male or a "typical" female in a certain environment will cause ratings as natural pheromone attractive. This means that sexually dimorphic pheromone perfume/cologne traits are valued which best signal youth. These perfume and cologne traits then form the respective prototypes for the cognitive evaluation of human pheromone attractiveness. One of the facts posed at the beginning of this consumer report is the research that "attractiveness" and "beauty" can best be linked to pure pheromone sex fragrance. Human beauty has three components. In order of importance, there's natural selection, which leads to the average human pheromone perfume/cologne and the limited sex rang. So now you have seen the research about how human pheromone perfume and cologne can attract the oposite sex, but did you know you can buy odorless concentrate additive to mix with your own scent to make a powerfull human pheromone cologne? When you buy human sex pheromone perfume or cologne buy a research backed product and get a pure definition of what is in it. Pheromones do work! Get on a forum and review pheromone product information before you buy at a shop or online retailer. When you do buy a human pheromone cologne or perfume make sure you research the concentrate ratio to know it will attract the sex you want. This cologne research is all about the sex not just how to attract a mate with pheromone scent! You can buy a book with more research for review than you will find online. Concentrate on how to buy a pheromone cologne that will attract the best and most women, then buy at the best price you can find. A pheromone review will show new research and show fact for fact what you need to know to attract a mate for sex. Concentrate on the attraction research before you buy pheromone cologne - get the best product. We have human sex pheromone perfume and cologne for sell online at a great price. Research on this powerful synthetic pheromone product shows us that androsterone is a natural love potion for man and woman alike, this pure cologne additive is cheap and science shows us that it does really work! In concentrate form the human pheromone cologne will put a female in attack mode, this odorless spray will attract women, thats a fact! Best of all human sex pheromones trap and store sample pheromones that work as an aphrodisiac scent of your own body oil! A review of the gay male consumer shows reviews of unscented pheromones drawing straight men into their realm in several tests. Feel free to make a test study! Spray this pheromone fragrance or buy a candle and watch sex fill the air! We can offer you a great buy right now, so do drop in to our shop and see what a major online retailer can hook you up with. If you look at any online forum on sex you will see the real deal! Pheromones are not just for the insect world!!! 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