Hi, My name is Alhana (aka Barbara) and this is my little home on the web :)Welcome!! Please, sit a spell and enjoy.
Mushroom my pixie friend
I have made a lot of different pages covering everything from Sailor Moon toUnicorns and everything in between.
If you have any suggestions on how I can make my page look nicer, be creative, and come find me. Any tips will also be greatly appreciated.(sign the guestbook :)
In keeping with the theme of this neighborhood I found the following sites:
E-Cards Want to send a postcart to your friends via e-mail? This site lets you do just that, and every card sent results in a donation to the World Wildlife Fund.
For all of you who may be curious, my favorite animal would have to be this little guy. Your probably saying to yourself... What is that? Well, its called a pika. Still lost... click here for more information on what it is. Why, did I choose the pika for my favorite animal? Well, I like them because they are cute, cudley, and not well known. I found out about pikas when I was in 6th grade. We had to do a report, and since I'm an animal lover I wanted to do it on an animal. I was looking for an animal that most people might not know about. So, I got out the Readers Digest Guide to North American Wildlife, and there it was.
I dont remember what grade I got, but I learned a lot about an animal that is still not known by many people. Here is another little picture of a pika that I found(just b/c they are so cute!).
Recently, b/c of a new cartoon a lot of people have learned more about the pika. I have met a couple of people who think b/c they know about Pikachu, they automatically know about pikas. Well dont believe everything you hear. Pikas, are not rodents. In fact they come from the same family as rabbits. They live in areas full of rocks and caves. These make great hiding places for the little pika. They like to eat hay and grasses and acutally cut the grass and dry it in the sun to eat later.
Want to learn more about pikas? I have found some new links about pikas!
Pika Project Home Page~Talks a little bit about the pika and its environment plus, some cute pictures.
Ranger Rick article~ This is a little article on the pika from a Ranger Rick article. No pictures but some useful info.
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Lookie, I've won an award! Its my first one and I'n very proud to display it. Click on it to visit the site that awarded me. Thanks so very much Fairy Jewell =)
To find out a little more about me click here :) If you want to find out about my other favorite animal, check out my Unicorn page
I'd like to take the time out to say hello to all my friends, and to thank them for thier support and help. Friends Homepages ~ Take this link to see all thier pages, and some hello's to my friends without pages. Interested in wolves, cars, music, comic book art, music, and chatting... check out some of thier pages.
Also stop in and visit my new
Rainbow Bridge page. I've recently come to enjoy Sailor Moon so be sure to check out my page dedicated to that wonderful anime.
![]() ![]() Babs's Neck of the Woods. Want to join the Endangered Species Webring? |
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