I am a creature of the Fey
Prepare to give your soul away
My spell is passion and it is art
My song can bind a human heart
And if you chance to know my face
My hold shall be your last embrace.

Myths and Legends
Mermaid Gallery

Welcome to the beginings of "Mermaids and Legends". So far I have on display a small "Mermaid Gallery" of pictures which I have come across on the web, (just a few of my favourites). All of which I have larger versions of, if you are interested e-mail or sign my book (the larger versions are not avaiable on line due to lack of space) Also if any of the pictures belong to you let me know and I will credit you of course.

I also hope that you enjoy the "Myths and Legends" that I have come across in my travels. These as well as the gallery will be added to as I aquire more of them.

I thank you for taking the time to visit my small part of the WWW and I hope you enjoyed your stay as much as I enjoyed creating it. If you have any questions, comments, or additional information do not hesitate to sign my book or e-mail me.

Peace, love and harmony to all.

"The Art Realm"

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