If You Plant It....It will Grow.
Ideas, Emotions, and Dreams can also be Planted.
Come see the Arts and Fine Crafts in
"The Lost
A Jewel of a Planet
Ron's Poetry Garden
"Gardening is the only unquestionably useful job" / George Bernard Shaw
When I touch the Earth, I am touching
those who also touch the Earth
When your hand is in the Earth, We are
~~~~~~~~~~Follow the Dragonfly, for it is
your Spirit Guide, and will show you the way.
Good timber does not grow in ease,
The stronger wind, the stronger trees;
The farther sky the greater length,
The more the storms the more the strength.
By sun and cold, by rain and snow,
In tree or man good timber grows.
It is the people we touch, and how they remember us, that defines our lives on this Earth.....~~~~~~~~~~Security is mostly a superstition.
It does not exist in nature,
nor do the children of men as a whole experience it.
Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure.
Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing.
To keep our faces toward change, and
behave like free spirits in the presence of fate is
strength indefeatable.
( Helen Keller )
If you can feel the earth
under your feet
know that never
in your life
have you not been touching something
wearing it down a little
being worn down a little
Links to other sites on the Web
Jewels of the Rainforest
Strong Stone Pottery
People of the Earth
Glass Dreams
Wildlife Artist
Mother Earth News
"Terrariums by Ron"I am an artist, who works with stained, and leaded glass in the Tiffany tradition. All my work is original in design, and combines glass with nature. I make Aquatic and Terrestrial environments,stained glass window planters, and sculptural flower vases exclusively.
I started doing traditional stained glass over twenty years ago, and over time my interest focused on creating uniquely designed terrariums.
My approach to creativity is to let my imagination run free, and follow it. I see shapes in my head, and I make them in glass. The softness of the plants and flowers contrast with the angles and lines in the design, and bring balance and harmony between man's and natures creations. Terrariums give shelter to the plants, and the plants give life to the terrariums.
I market my work at Arts and Crafts Fairs throughout the East from Massachusetts to Virginia.If you have any questions about terrarium care or setup, E-Mail me and I'll be glad to answer any questions.I am an avid gardener. The vegetables, I grow, nourish my body, while the flowers nourish my soul. The Earth, and my connection to it are very important to me. This connection, with nature, is the common link in all aspects of my life.Send me "Words" for my Garden, and, if I use them, I'll send you a hanging stained glass flower vase.
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to come this way.
© 1996 terarium@norwich.net
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