No Cruelty to Animals webring

Often, I see pages about animals, endangered species, animal cruelty, abused pets, and other pages that should be noticed. That's why I've decided to create the No Cruelty to Animals ring, to link all the fabulous pages about animals and their sad stories together and for everyone to share each other's special stories. If you join, it will be greatly appreciated. If you want to join, consider the following:

If your page meets the requirements above, please submit your site in the form below. You must fill in ALL the fields to get a response.

Please visit this link: . The new system has been less flexible compared to the original... sorry for the inconvenience.
For the new system, you must have a Yahoo! ID to join. Please make sure you have a Yahoo! ID and login, or you might run into problems.

After you have submitted your site to the quene, a message will be sent to your e-mail address and will arrive shortly. Then copy the html code for the table that is sent with the message. All you have to do is cut and paste! But if you want, you can upload the graphics onto your homepage. Please put the code onto your homepage as soon as possible, so I don't have to visit your page to find nothing there, and so I don't have to repeat mailing you to put the code onto your homepage without getting any response (quite frustrating, as most ring masters/mistresses should know). The fragment:
<!--START NO CRUELTY TABLE CUT HERE--> <CENTER> <P><TABLE BORDER=10 CELLPADDING=3 CELLSPACING=3 WIDTH=500> <TR><TH> <FONT Size=2> <a href="/RainForest/1584/mywebring.html" target="_top"> <img src="/RainForest/1584/nocrueltyjoin.jpg" align="left" WIDTH=159 HEIGHT=121></a> <a href=";id=_SITE_ID_HERE_;next" target="_top"> <img src="/RainForest/1584/nocrueltynext.jpg" align="right" WIDTH=159 HEIGHT=121></a> This <a href="/RainForest/1584/mywebring.html" target="_top">No Cruelty To Animals</a> site is owned by <BR> <a href="mailto:SITE_OWNER_EMAIL"><FONT SIZE="2">Your_Name_Here</FONT></a>. <BR><BR> <FONT SIZE="2"> Want to join the <A HREF="/RainForest/1584/mywebring.html" target="_top">No Cruelty To Animals Ring?</A>?</FONT> </TH></TR> <TR><TH> <FONT Size=3> [<a href="; id=_SITE_ID_HERE_;sprev" target="_top">Skip Prev</a>] [<a href=";id=_SITE_ID_HERE_;prev" target="_top">Prev</a>] [<a href=";id=_SITE_ID_HERE_;next" target="_top">Next</a>] [<a href=";id=_SITE_ID_HERE_;skip" target="_top">Skip Next</a>] [<a href=";ring=nocruelty" target="_top">Random</a>] [<a href=";id=_SITE_ID_HERE_;next5" target="_top">Next 5</a>] [<a href=";list" target="_top">List Sites</a>] </FONT> </TH></TR></TABLE> </CENTER> <!--STOP NO CRUELTY TABLE CUT HERE-->

Should look like this:

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First, if you do submit your site, on the next page there should be a ring code already set for you, and a copy of it will be mailed to you. But if you want to, you can fill the blanks out yourself. Make sure all of the BLANK fields are filled out with your information, for example, _YOUR_SITE_ID_. Put it on to your homepage, and then mail me and I'll see if your page qualifys. If the fragment isn't on the message, please mail me and I'll send it to you. I'll tell you if you have to make any adjustments, and if your homepage suits the ring, you'll be added and I'll notify you with an e-mail message. You can test the ring right now!
Remember, after 21 DAYS, you will be notified that you didn't e-mail the ringmistress to add you and/or you haven't added the fragment onto your webpage yet. Please do so soon, but if you don't want to be part of the ring anymore, please tell me. Also, if anyone would be kind enough to submit new graphics for the ring, please do so. I would kindly appreciated.

  • If you are already part of the ring and want to edit your site information or if you are in the quene and you want your copy of your fragment again: (URL, site name, password, etc.)

    Please use this link right here: Copy and paste the url into your address window. Replace the blank with your siteID.

    If you are not sure of your siteID, or you want to see the whole list of sites that are part of the No Cruelty to animals ring, please go to this link here.

    If you forgot your password, notify me and I'll get it for you. Or see the index of the ring.

    This No Cruelty To Animals site is owned by

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