Alta Vista:

I was born in Lowell, Massachusetts, and went to school in New Hampshire at St. Anselm College. After graduation I joined the Peace Corps, but after a couple of months decided to pursue a career in library science at Simmons College . While at library school I worked as an intern at MIT, and later went to work for the Massachusetts Maritime Academy (MMA).

After several years with MMA I joined the United Seamen's Service (USS) ,an organization concerned with the welfare and well being of merchant seafarers. I was initially stationed on the island of Okinawa , and later the port of Yokohama , Japan. I returned to the U.S. in order to complete a degree in marine affairs at the University of Rhode Island, and then returned to USS to undertake a temporary assignment to Bremerhaven, Germany, then back to New York City to work for the Seamen's Church Institute's Center for Seafarers' Rights and the Joseph Conrad Library. Then it was off again with USS, this time to Diego Garcia, the so-called Foot Print in the Sand.

Upon returning to NYC I took up a brief, but illustrative, career as a library temp. I was subsequently recruited by the World Maritime University , a United Nation's sponsored institution operating under the auspices of the International Maritime Organization , to set up a new library in Malmo, Sweden . I remained at WMU for the next six years before returning to the U.S. at the end of 1990. I pretty much spent 1991 attending workshops, conferences and working at part-time library positions as a way to get back into the swing of things. I was fortunate to run into an old classmate and friend who offered me a part-time position at New Hampshire College , Shapiro Library, where I worked evenings and learned a lot about business reference work. At about the same time, and for several years thereafter, I also worked as an evening and weekend reference librarian at the Edwin Ginn Library , Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University .

Later, I accepted a full-time position with the Copyright Clearance Center as a Bibliographic Researcher where I worked for four and half years as a mild mannered researcher. I now live in Salem, Massachusetts and work as a reference librarian for the MITRE Corporation in Bedford, Massachusetts, and as a part-time reference librarian for the Reading Public Library .

Here are a few e-mail addresses of folks I know who may be contacted for further information:

E-mail List: