Welcome to the NEW Unofficial Illinois Rainbow Family Home Page

on the INTERtangledNET!


ANNOUNCEMENT: Well, the time has come for me to go out on the road again! I'm sooo happy that I'm gettin' out of Illinois for most of the year! I won't take this homepage off the net, so hopefully it can be used for a page to post messages to Illinois or other folks around the country. See ya around October on net, maybe....or at the National hopefully! Love to all!

Well, it's finally here. I wanted to make a home page for the Illinois folks, since I didn't see one for Illinois anywhere. This page is an UNOFFICIAL home page for Illinois Rainbow Family. We are not responsible for any gatherings taking place in Illinois, or anywhere else where gatherings are discussed on this site. I hope everyone is having a nice Winter and that it isn't too cold for ya! If not, warm weather will hopefully be here before we know it....sure, we hear that every year!

This site was updated as of 12/09/96
You are Brother or Sister number to visit this site since 12/09/96!

If you would like some help on anything, or you would just like to chat, then drop me a line at my following E-Mail address: tomcon@net66.com

Here is a little info on some things some of you might not have thought about. This link just might save the world...so please read it!

Click here to read about my trip to the 1996 National Gathering Of The Tribes.

Click here to see what you can do to save Cougar Hot Springs from a fate worse than extinction!

Events '97!

Like my backgrounds? You can get them for free at TextureLand!

This site just went up as of Thursday December 5th, 1996. So please bare with me, I will have lots more on this site to do in the VERY near future. I am just trying to give some people time to get used to the fact that it is here and will soon be available for everyone to use.

Here is a page with some cool links to other Rainbow Sites on the Internet.

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Note: You need Live 3D for Netscape to view this VR Ribbon. Just click on the picture and hold and move the mouse up to zoom, and down to pan out. Left, Left, Right, Right. Gotta see it!