Rest your self by the fire and let us begin our journey...

When the student is ready the teacher will come...



Whispers In The Dark
by Lady Natalie©

Silent longing near my heart
calling out to you,
echos of a time forgot
whispers in the dark.

I enter in my silent place
embrace the silence there,
listen with my heart
for whispers in the dark.

Longing, loving, heaven's embrace
takes to me to a place
where silence dwells
and the wind carries
whispers in the dark.

Listen with your hearts
true light.
Listen in your soul,
Listen to the gifts that come
as whispers in the dark.



The Fairy Goddess said to me,
Lay upon my hill...
Drink from my fresh waters...
Sit and listen still


Faerie Lore and Literature
Fantasy & Angels



Domain of TheGodess
The Witches.Com Home Page
!The Celtic Connection Main Index
Strange Brew
Epona's Celtic World
Wicca & Pagan Info/Links Page
Higher Realms
Whispered Prayers - Earth Spirituality
The Witches' Sabbats



The Way of the Shaman
dreamtime : SPIRITUALITY
Native American Animal Symbols



Come out of the Broom closet and unite... "Harm to none, do as thou will"

Let me give you my opinion of what a real witch is "Wicca"... we don't worship the devil nor do we cast evil spells, what we do is thank the Goddess (mother Earth) and God (father Sky) to send Energy to the Universe and all in need. This is my personal opinion and in no way reflects the beliefs of others in my family or Wiccan belief. For more information use the above links or look up keyword: Wicca, Eclectic, or Shaman.

Sisterhood bonds and brings us all closer together.... White Buffalo Woman's Realm


The meaning of the pentagram... five point star represents the elements: Air, Fire, Water, Earth, and Spirit. We are all a part of the "Circle of Life" it is what we do with our "part" of the circle that matters. A great teacher once told me... "Forget the small stuff because once you pass over into the spirit world it is ALL small stuff." What really matters is that we all become one to heal the earth. It doesn't matter what color, sex, or heritage you are. It doesn't matter what your sexuality is. What DOES matter is whether you as a human being are willing to accept others for who not what they are. It matters if you are brave enough to protect the children. Are you ready and willing to open your heart? Listen in the darkness... because sometimes the voices you hear are the sounds of your God or Goddess calling you into the night. Listen to your guides, they come in many forms.


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