The Dutch Junior Gliding
Team consists six enthusiastic glider pilots.
They qualified themselves at various Dutch
and foreign Championships. They will all be participating in the Tulip
Tournament '99.
The Tulip Tournament will be held at Terlet,
the Dutch National Gliding Center.
Terlet is located in the eastern part of
The Netherlands, in an area with perfect gliding conditions.
All members of the team are flying frequently
in this area. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate and contact one of
the members. Visit our sponsor: KLM Flight Academy.
Tell us who will win the TT99 in standard- or clubclass!
View what others wrote
Sander 't Hart, (22)
Student at the KLM flightacademy. He is a
very ambitious glider pilot. He flew two years ago his first 500 km. Won
the Dutch Summer Championship in 1997 in the openclass with a LS-6. This is a qualification championship
for the Dutch Nationals. Sander has 750 hours and approximately 80 cross-country
flights. His experience makes him a capable pilot in the club class.
Picture of
Sander (r) and Jeroen Beeke (crewmember)
Francois Jeremiasse, (23)
Francois has already flown the Dutch Nationals
twice and the European Junior Championship in Musbach. He flew all contests
with the DG-300 of his club in the clubclass. During the Tulip Tournament
he will be flying the new LS-8 (H8) of his club. His club, "Flying Club
Haamstede", is located in the south-west of Holland, very close to the
sea. This location made him a specialist in marginal weather flying
with small and weak thermals. With 1600 flights, and 600 hours he is an
experienced pilot.
Francois in the DG-300 of his club during the summer championships
Remco Kool, (24)
Remco is studying Business Administration
at the Nijmegen University. He flew two Nationals and two European Championships,
including the Junior Championship in Musbach. With 75 cross country flights
and 470 hours, he will fly in the standard class during the Tulip Tournament.
It is the same Discus as in Musbach, the E1 of his club, which is located
at Terlet. For him it is a championship on his home airfield.
Picture of Remco, in Musbach Freudenstadt
David Muller, (22)
Studies Aeronautical Engineering in Haarlem.
His club is located very close to the sea, underneath the TMA of Schiphol
International Airport. This forces David to go to Terlet for a cross-country
flight. With almost 50 cross country flights he is considerably experienced
to fly in this area. He flew the Dutch Nationals in 1998, which were held
at Terlet, as always. David will fly with a ASW-24 in standard class.
Michiel Roelofs, (22)
Michiel is already a KLM airline pilot, and
tugpilot in his spare time. He competed in the French Junior Championship
at La Roche sur Yon in 1998. One day he left all the French Juniors behind
him with a task speed of 104km/h. With 300 hours and 30 cross-country flights
he is the least experienced of the team. Terlet is also his home airfield,
which gives him opportunities. He will be flying in the club class with an ASW-19B.
Michiel (l) and Remco and a straight-in of Michiel in France
Jeroen Verkuyl, (23)
Jeroen is student at the KLM flightacademy.
He flew the French Juniors in 1998 and reached the 14th place of the 47
participants. He is a steady pilot, with approximately 60 cross country
flights and flew in 5 championships. Jeroen will be flying in club class
during the Tulip Tournament, with a Cirrus 75 (callsign W2). With two blonde
crew members he will draw your attention.
Jeroen (with Diane) before and after task in La Roche sur Yon
Harry Wondergem is the teamcaptain.
Introduction of the team in flyerformat. Link
to homepage of Remco Kool.
Harry is a KLM-pilot and owns an ventus and recently he flew his 1000km.
Look at the sponsor-flyer of team.
sponsoring story in Dutch
Updated: 10-06, 1999