Raised In the Hustle, Enlightened by the Struggle!

And this goes to those that wanna fuck my girl or be down with my crew or be part of my world, Be leary of what you wish for because its more than rhymes and good times behind this door.

My name is Brad Witherspoon MoSt of you prolly already know me..And for those of you that dont here is alil about myself: I am an easy guy to get along with, you dont start shit wont be shit.. I am a Freshman At MCC i attended HCCHS it use to be best school in mad-ville when me and the crew went there. I enjoy Skating with my crew KoS. We Compete at any of the competitions around here in my last comp. in Owensburro i placed 3rd. Anyways i love meeting new ppl, i really love girls best thing on earth as far as i know, I love to party and have a good time. I also enjoy hangin out with my boys partyin, traveling, goin to concerts, and enjoyin vacations that never end..Thats about all i got to say if you wanna know more then my Yahoo Id is Pharcyde_3d and my Email is Pharcyde_3d@yahoo.com

This page dedicated in the remembrance of my cousin nathan..One Love!MY DEDICATION TO NATHAN!

Here is alil ebonics page that me and the fellas decided to make when we were bored for afew of the ppl that are always questioning us about what our slang means..well here ya go alil "KoS Ebonics For Dummies" Ebonics-4 Dummies ----> Brads Guide To Naughty GirlsIts a funny page i decided to make one day when i was chatting with some girl over the net about corny pick up lines..so i decided to put this on here to put alil bit more play in YOUR game!! i know yall need it too.

LaTes NeWs: Me and afew of the boys are goin back to college this next fall..im gonna be majoring in physical theropy. On an even better note me and the crew are back on the skates and fuckin it up worse than before. we are lookin to be recording skate footage and starring in the Video Groove Battle my Crew 5 dvd coming soon. and the best news all around the dates for Scribble Jam 2003 have been released we are gonna be taking shit loads of ppl to the 4 day event in Cinncinati Ohio August 7-10 so if you are interested in goin holla at us.


  • To all my friends at North you know who you are..
  • All my Friends From Central much love to you all i miss you.
  • KoS One Love!
  • Essentials Graffiti Crew.
  • Grapevine Crew we have been threw alot of shit much love and respect
  • Hendo crew
  • Evansville crew(812) Keep it up
  • Darlene up in lexington
  • Old Classmates i miss ya
  • Dawson Boys
  • Nathan -=OnE=-

     NO PROPS! I GOTTA GIVE THE SUCKAZ JUST A PIECE OF MY MIND! Aight this goes to those that envy and hate me. what ever i done i hope it offended you and you never forget my face. Cus no matter what you do or say im still gonna be me im still gonna stand here and do my thing. So you can just go ahead and get over it, deal with it, and move on with your life instead of wasting your thoughts on me and my life..Start devoting your attension to more important things then your opinion on me cuz niether yours or anyones elses opinion of me matters. So why dont you just go ahead pay me 70 bucks and i will kick you in the balls afew times throw you in a porta shit and set you on fire. Then we will call it problem solved. So Fuck ya


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