Will's home page

Home of the 3rd Michigan, Company C

Hi, I'm Will Eichler. I've been reading Creating Web Pages for Dummies (which I highly reccommend) and have decided to create a web page to promote the distribution of relevant research materials to living historians.

For those of you brave enough to stick around, I'm a living historian (that's re-enactor for all you unlearned folks). I'm the 1st Sergeant of 3rd Michigan, Company C, a Union Civil War re-enactment organization. I've been a Civil War Living Historian for ten years and first sergeant of my unit for three years now.

In addition, I've recently started to take and interest in WWII re-enacting. With two buddies, I'm starting to portray members of the British Paratroopers in WWII. We'll see where this leads us to.

Expect this site to change a lot. Check back regularly. I'll try to have good information on historical items as well as links to research and living history sites. If you know of good links for information or have research material you want on the web relative to these two branches of service, please contact me.

For now, enjoy the first two links. The first is to my Civil War homepage. The other is to the site of the closest WWII para organization to me geographically. I will have a WWII site as my knowledge of being a soldier from that time period increases.

Links to other sites on the Web

1st Canadian Parachute Battalion
My Civil War page

That's just a little taste of what is to come. If you are a re-enactor or interested in becoming one, contact me, I'd love to talk with you. If you are a WWII paratrooper vet, even if you weren't in the British service, I'd love to hear from you too.

© 1997 willportal@aol.com

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