NEW-7th Oct 2001 Whooooweeeee Crackpot release some knee slapping SFDC comics, which inspire Somebody123 to do some fucking insane, yet funny comics aswell, even Chris and Dave try their hand at it and they are funny also, whattawonderfulworld!! OLD-1st October 2001 A hectic few days with some major dramas, it appears that bustid hacked Picklejs account and made himself along with fatjack founders of the club, this is the reason alot of the members have been baned, hahahah oh well, i just wish i could be a founder(anyone listening??wink wink) anyways Crackpot gives us a fun dress up game where we can play out our crossdressing fantasys... OLD-23rd September 2001 Cartooncrackpot (the one responsible for some of the graphics on this page) gives us a killer animation just about well, shooting people for fun, look out for Chris' cameo!! Extraturnips gives us the course 9 or 10 or something, and it is a marvel to watch. Also in the club Lukeybatty reveals to me a deep dark family secret and Baldguywithahat is still stuck for animation ideas. OLD-21 September 2001 Picklej gives us whathefuck4, yaY. I thought i'd share and icq convo with a dirty whore, heheheh im Asbestoss; ASBESTOSS:(4:40 PM) (.)(.) *StRiTtA*: (4:41 PM) ummm tits tits ASBESTOSS: (4:42 PM) hahah dirty talk hahah *StRiTtA*: (4:42 PM) yes ASBESTOSS: (4:42 PM) lovin it *StRiTtA*: (4:43 PM) goood *StRiTtA*: (4:43 PM) u like to do dirty things ASBESTOSS: (4:43 PM) i supose so yeah *StRiTtA*: (4:44 PM) do u wanna ASBESTOSS: (4:44 PM) like what? *StRiTtA*: (4:44 PM) cyber masterbate together ASBESTOSS: (4:44 PM) how do ya do that *StRiTtA*: (4:45 PM) which one ASBESTOSS: (4:46 PM) cyber masterbate together ?? *StRiTtA*: (4:47 PM) have you masterbated ASBESTOSS: (4:47 PM) yeah once with a stick? *StRiTtA*: (4:47 PM) well if you want you can help me masterbate eg tell me how to finger myself shit like that ASBESTOSS: (4:48 PM) should chicks tell guys how to do it after all they are the experts? *StRiTtA*: (4:49 PM) fine dnon't worry ASBESTOSS: (4:49 PM) awww *StRiTtA*: (4:50 PM) tell me how to masterbate *StRiTtA*: (4:50 PM) eg finger hard sort rub tits etc ASBESTOSS: (4:50 PM) finger hard *StRiTtA*: (4:50 PM) k *StRiTtA*: (4:51 PM) what esle ASBESTOSS: (4:52 PM) touch your butt OLD-17th September 2001 It seems that lately a few members yahoo ids are being locked out of the club, who is to blame?? PickleJ??or Slideman??is it spacefem?? or fonzie returning from his pro-wrestling career and causing havok?? hmm i hope this gets sorted stayed tuned peoples....There has also been rumours of SFDC awards so i thought id jump the gun and present <
> best word: cuntmonkey most informative site: Bloodbaths sfdc information site most annoying: flashpigs gayest animator: flashpigs voted most likely to take it in the poop chute: flashpigs (Picklej was saddly disapointed he didnt win this one) OLD-15th September It turns out that "quote" was fake heheheh opps... after reading about 50 posts there is no real news to report except everyone is at each others throats, maybe im just showing my age when i think how pointless it is, damn being in a club full of 14 year olds ahhhh!!! OLD-12th September "In the City of God there will be a great thunder, Two brothers torn apart by Chaos, while the fortress endures, the great leader will succumb", "The third big war will begin when the big city is burning" - Nostradamus 1654 Thanks to Chris for that somewhat chilling quote... In the wake of the tragedy there is alot of rumours floating around the club. Being a Stick Figure Death club there will probably large amounts of hatemail sent to each and every member, but i would just like to say before every one is up in arms against us, death is a very serious subject we lose friends, family and even pets to it everyday, members of the club are shocked and horrified (except maybe a couple, you heartless bastards hahahah) and we do not condone this "evil" attack on innocent,so before you stupid fucks send hatemail remember we human too and we do have feelings- - - -
OLD-11th September 2001 Woohweee whatta rush ( i said rush not thrush!!) fresh from a finger sucking threesome im back!! I'd like to welcome new member,Taxx. Anyways Picklej drops us the 3rd and hopefully the final in his WTF animations...Somebody123 gives us a side splitting laughfest in his latest. Barron the Red gets his first hatemail, and handels it with maturity that we expect from him and Crackpot continues to wonder if he has a beard! Wrapping up i point out to Snozzwang that chicks arent friget he is just fucking ugly (which Baldguy also echos) OLD-8th September 2001 This must be the week of returns with FBI Agent Russ returning!! Although he states that he will not be animating because he "likes to watch" Crackpot see's Red Barron as the voice of reason and also asks if he has a beard. Picklej defends his story driven animations and has also added G-mans fruity adventure on his site, Im still wondering why he made my head black and red?? OLD-6th September 2001 Today's top story is that Baldguywithahats site by geocities, aparently so was luceks(the poop guy) so this makes me wonder is there any place on the internet left for us stick deathers(i just made up that pharse) to go?? Finally the grey headed can-nuck is back!! Welcome back Dave, i'd like also to welcome back Snozzwang....hey wait where you going??hehehehAnyway he drops us off a non stick death animation,PickleJ also gives us part three in his compelling punisher rip-off. OLD-1st Spetember 2001 Message 10000 hits us in the face and makes us Pickle deletes the fucking message...damn spamin newbies!! Crapot gives us a link to Joe Cartoon's stone flys two, lovin it. Also if musicman doesnt say ya cool your outta the club. And BGWAH corrects Fatjack with true information about Aaliyah (personally i think her eye shadow weighed the plane down) OLD-29th August 2001 many thanks and repect to Ryan for the mind blowing club picture OLD- 28th August 2001 The club is back up and running again, so get ya bitch ass in there!!! So to celebrate Picklej releases WFT2! The backup club idea i think should remain just in case the SFDC fucks up again but someone needs to make a new one, because of the age restrictions that Yahoo has on the semi-adult clubs (i just wish they'd bring back the porn ones) In other news Ryan reponds to a hate mail with much maturity and dignity that all stick-death artists have. OLD-26th August 2001 Bustid's dreams have come true, finally you can order bull semen online!! Also Extraturnips wonders just who the fuck is alice?? The club seems to be down at the moment, i suggest you post in Ryans club or PickleJ's club or even the backup club i just created... OLD-24th August 2001 Thanks to Crackpot for the logo above, which i altered a bit to show the club members, but not without controversy, Baldguy was distraught, although he was in the logo all the time just hatless....BGWAH!!! Chris proves that satan does have his own webpage (with all new crappy-layout) in the form of J-man's site. Turdchunk reminisces about Ryan..."Remember the old days when Ryan was a brown haired tike, with no facial peircings? Hah.. The way he romped around the SFDC living room made me lighthearted.. Then he grew UP, and now he has BLACK HAIR, and a fucking EYEBROW peircing.. Damn that boy.. I thought he was going to be president." <---actual post!! And Tit's-all-good also warns us on the harmfulness of smoking, and if it doesnt kill you he will. OLD-23th August 2001 Fatjack makes sure extraturnips knows his place and that he's a newbie,but if he goes by Red Baron's advice he should come out alive. Ryan has either crushed my dream or given me a glimmer of hope, for a SFDC animation from him (fingers crossed). Benny asks just who is Bighed, I myself have wondered just what makes him tick. Also just where the fuck is Dave?? OLD- 22th August 2001 After an indepth interview with Lukey Batty he clues me in on what a hymen is, the club gains two new members, they both seem to have approached the club in a non-newbie way (spam etc) So welcome to the club. Baldguy gives us some intresting satistics of how many people find his site looking for gay porn. Melissa_18 tells us how much she loves J-man
so i kindly tell her to fuck off!!! OLD-20th August 2001 Superfly admits to copying many of the other members animations, but has seen the error of his ways and says he'll be turning over a new leaf, Chriz the Alfredo drops us animational masterpiece, Picklej leaves about a jazillion posts mainly giving us, as well as Fatmandoo, an insight into the inner workings of super mario and Flashpigs continues to annoy the fuck outta me. OLD-18th August 2001 Booyah Bogans, This week in The SFDC Nick's and Snozzwang's bickering escalates to an epic proportion, Crackpot leaves a drunken post, Tits ask meaningful questions that the SFDC communtiy have been asking since the dawn of time (Why is he called BigHed??) and Picklej leaves as a seizure inducing animation....but i think Somebody is gunna sue