horus eye

"Cars are like eggs; they're cheaper in the country." -- local yokel
"I'd rather bathe lepers than be interviewed by the press." -- Mother Teresa
"It's just a job. Grass grows, birds fly, waves pound the sand. I just beat people up." -- Muhammad Ali

Back by popular demand, here are funny pictures of my cat, Ocho.

This is the link to the Rockbox patch I made. It's a 3D maze game plugin called Amaze. Give it a spin.

This is another rockbox project that puts Wikipedia on your player.

Here are some plans for a DIY WiFi Cantenna and here is a good vendor.

More evil plans for a WiFi Jammer

To get mythfrontend to work over vnc connection, first start vncserver from a shell on the box:
Now, connect via vnc and run this from the shell:
mythfrontend -O ThemePainter=qt
Remember to clean up when finished:
killall vncserver
Wham. You're golden.

To compare rockbox files, run
rdiff-backup --compare-hash ~/src/rockbox root@somewhere::/usr/local/backup/rockbox

Terror Alert Level