Tallman's Homepage
What's up???..........Well, not too much here...My name is Furman if you didn't already know.  I live in the great metropolis of Lincolnton, GA.(LOL).I'm a junior at Lincoln County High School. I just turned 16.  I am 6'7", I have brown hair with blonde highlights, green eyes, I weigh 235lbs. I love all sports, especially football...I play football for the Lincoln County Red Devils. I have pics of me and some of my friends on my page.  I also have some links to some of my best friends' pages, like Whyte_Boy(Chad) and Melissa. Well, I hope you enjoy my page!!!  Class of 2002 Rules!!!..........
This is me in my LC Red      Devil uniform................
This is a picture of me chillin'
Go to my links page!!