Another Late Nite …


Welcome to my page. If you are a consultant, I'm sure you're quite familiar with the scene above.
Anyway, to maintain your sanity, you can't take it too seriously, so take a break from the daily
grind (no, I'm not talking about Starbucks) and read on ...

Consulting Tidbits
Things You Shouldn't Say at a Consulting Interview Things a Consultant Shouldn't Tell a Client
Ways to Know You've Got the Consulting Bug Things You'll Never Hear from a Consultant
Ways To Know You're Dating/Married To A Consultant Rental Cars

Current Reading Recommendations
The Call by Os Guinness Your Work Matters to God by Doug Sherman
The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren Invitation to Lead by Paul Tokunaga

Also check out some pics:
 Cool Whitewater Rafting Pic, Travel Pix '04

Send comments to DC Chuang