Click for Santa Barbara, California Forecast

This is me!


My name is Stephan and I'm back in Germany again. I spent one year in Santa Barbara, California and I really liked it there, the weather was much better than here in Germany and the whole lifestyle is really cool. In my free time I like to go surfing, windsurfing, waterskiing, and freeriding (skiing.

Why don't you email me right now and tell me what you like to do in your free time.

I like to listen to all kinds of music, mostly Hip Hop. I really like the Beastie Boys, EMINEM!!!, Dr. DRE... They ROCK!!!

By the way, this is my first web page. I learned how to do html programming at the end of 1998. If you like my site, you can bookmark it by pressing control+D. If you are interested in having your own site, but don't know how to write a page, contact me per email and we could arrange something.

Ahh, I forgot to mention my friend and tennis trainer Mathias Bauer from Germany. He lives in Berlin and is a really cool guy.

Click here to go to his homepage.

Don't forget to sign my guestbook!!!!!!!

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