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To Dustin's website!
Hey there Welcome to my site, it isn't much, but I'm new to this type of thing so BACK OFF. Well I guess I should tell about myself. My name is Dustin Libby, and I am currently residing in Hendo (Henderson Kentucky ). I am a 16 year old male in 11th grade at Henderson County High School. I started this page to showcase some of my intrests and to tell all of the good things happening down in Henderson.
My Intrests
Full-size Jeeps
Car Stereo
My Homies
music poll
which choice of music would you like to hear on this site?

snoop dogg
green day
Dr. Dre
Other E-mail to specify

Current Results
Music Poll #2
more music choices, pick one.

the Offspring
Puffy / Bad Boy
80's / Techno
Master P / No LIMIT
Movie / T.V. themes

Current Results

This Full S ize Jeep Web Ring site is owned by
Dustin Libby.

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