I'm still getting all my wrestling tapes in order, but as soon as I do this tape trading site can begin. In the meantime, some more live events pictures have been put up. Which makes 3 pages of them. About 1/8 of what I have at home. As soon as I get them organized I'll have them on the site too.

I also have some sites down below for you to click on. Nothing about tape trading though, just sites I signed up for a long time ago. I haven't done anything with em. My webmaster told me how to put a few things on them, so I played with them a bit. Nothing much though. But click on em if ya want.

Don't forget to welcome yourself to our new homepage at


** This is where my guestbook is at **

Or finally a 3rd page. At...


live events 1

live events 2

live events 3

email me!


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