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Germantown Boys & Girls Dive Schedule


<center><B> "The Germantown Boys & Girls 2008 Dive Schedule"</B></center>

For further info contact Esat @ 301 233 3932;
    FEB 15-17 W Palm Beach, FL Diving!
    FEB 20 WED 1800 MC-Germantown Start date of Germantown Scuba Class
    MAR 9-16 LaParguera PR Dive trip
    APR 27 SUN 0930 Myerstown, PA Tune Up: Let's dive
    MAY 10-11 0900 Myerstown, PA, again Check Out Dives
    MAY 19-23 W Palm Beach, FL Pre Memorial Day trip
    MAY 23-26 W Palm Beach, FL Memorial Day Trip
    JUN 04 WED 1930 MC Rockville Underwater Naturalist Course
    JUN 28-290700 Atlantic Beach, NC Wreck Dive: Atlantis IV
    JUL 04-06 Ft Lauderdale, FL Wreck diving
    JUL 26-28 Corvallis, OR Let's try Oregon diving
    AUG 02-030700 Atlantic Beach, NC Wreck Dive: Atlantis IV
    AUG 15-17 Pampano Beach, FL Some wreck diving
    AUG 29-SEP 01 WPB, FL Labor Day Dive WPB!!
    SEP 03 WED 1800 MC-Germantown Start date of Germantown Scuba Class
    SEP 09 TUE1930 TBA ResQ Diver Course begins
    SEP 11 THU 1930 TBA Fish ID Course begins
    SEP 13-140800 TBA O2 Adm & Dive Accid Mngmnt Course
    SEP 27-280800 TBA Rescue course Openwater dates
    OCT 04 SAT 0930 Town Creek, MD Dive the Patuxent River!!
    OCT 25 SAT 1330 Town Creek, MD Tide super high - Dive the Pax!
    OCT 26 SUN 1330 Cape Charles, VA With tide so high, may be worth the trip
    NOV 01-02 0900 Myerstown, PA, again Check Out Dives


    Begins Wed 04 Jun 08

    PLACE: Currently I am planning to use a classroom @ Montgomery College, Rockville

    If creature watching is a favorite underwater pastime or if you would like to learn more about aquatic creatures, their relationships and how to better observe them, then you may want to consider this course.

    Completing the course will earn you a NAUI Underwater Naturalist Certification and, depending on additional dives you do, a NAUI Advanced Diver Certification.

    In addition to becoming adept at 'finding stuff', you will develop your diving skills, be more relaxed when diving and most probably reduce your air consumption. You will also get a chance to try underwater photography.


    6 x 90 min lectures.

    Covers underwater environment, sources of information, habitats and information about organisms found in selected u/w habitats [quarries, North Atlantic and tropical wrecks (including North Carolina) and tropical reefs]. Diving techniques that will improve 'creature watching' as well as hazards will also be covered. The notion of 'objective' will be elaborated. This means diver begins dive with two types of questions:

    1. What will I see? Site specific 'organism hunting'.
    2. I want to look for [fill in the blank].

    Both require some prior research/reading. Local divers are good sources to poll.

    WATER WORK: Local quarry and tropical waters (optional).

    The first dives will concentrate on buoyancy control, navigation (natural as well as compass), hovering, observation techniques, unobtrusive swimming. In addition night dives, wreck dive, rescues (only if also working in Advance Certification), underwater mapping and other techniques will be covered. Successful completion of all will earn the NAUI Advanced Diver Certification as well as the NAUI Underwater Naturalist certification.



    TRIP: WEST PALM BEACH, FL. Memorial Day, Mon, 19 May 08 - Fri, 23 May 08 and
    Fri, 23 May 08 - Mon, 26 May 08

    Yes - blue water, hopefully, and tropical diving here we come.


    are only 2.5 hours away, in Florida. Plus this Caribbean-In-Your-Backyard can allow 4 days of diving for 4 days of vacation!

    I prefer WPB because the diving is suitable for all, novice or experienced. Depths are in the 25 to 100++ range though we tend to stick to 50-60 ft dives. If you like looking at fish, enjoy U/W photography or just plain easy diving, WPB has it. For those who just went through the Fish ID class or the reef class, this is a good place to try out your wings. We do 2-3 dives (more if you use nitrox) a day.

    Since we dive there often, we know the area and waters very well. Plus WPB offers much for non-diving companions. Excellent, yet reasonable restaurants abound.


    I dive with Diving Solutions, which is the premiere of the area and they have been especially good to us over the years. We will utilize Force E for air fills and rentals.

    Approximate costs/person are:

    Boat trips (2 tank day dive) $60.00/trip

    Boat trips (1 tank night dive) $60.00/trip

    Rentals, if required:

    Tanks (2/day of diving) $18/day

    Air fills (night dive) $5/fill

    Nitrox $15.00/tank

    Regulator, B.C., wetsuit $16.00/item/day

    Computers $15.00/day or $50/trip

    Hotel (2 per room) $45.00/day (or less)

    Car rental (3 per car-3 days) $60.00 (approx.)

    Tips, etc. $30.00

    The trip is run rather loosely, where everyone is free to do as they please. Thus you are only committed to the number of dives you decide beforehand and if you can find cheaper accommodations, drive down, etc., you will reduce your costs.

    The dive schedule is as follows:
    Tue 20 May 08 @ 1000
  • Wed 21 May 08 @ 1000
  • Thu 22 May 08 @ 1000
  • Fri 23 May 08 @ 1000
  • Provided we have enough divers a night dive is possible on Wed 21 May 08
  • Trip II
  • Fri 23 May 08 @ 1330
  • Sat 24 May 08 @ 0745
  • Sat 24 May 08 @ 1800 (1 tank night dive)
  • Sun 25 May 08 @ 0745
  • Sun 25 May 08 @ 0745 (1 tank night dive)
  • Mon 26 May 08 @ 1000

    INTERESTED? Contact me at 301 233 3932 or e-mail and we can talk about it.

    Safe bubbles


    AIRLINE RESERVATIONS - Prices vary, but FL air fares have been good, around $175 RT.

    If you intend to dive on the last day (some do, despite it all), plan a flight leaving WPB late in the day, no earlier than 5 PM.

    ACCOMMODATIONS - Most have been staying at the Best Western Sea Spray on Singer Island (on the beach). The phone # is 561 844 0233. The address is: 123 S Ocean Av., Palm Beach Shores, FL. The internet price has been ~$85/room/night.

    Other hotels are available on the beach. Holiday Inn, Comfort Inn, Sheraton, though the numbers are shrinking. Those are on Singer Island. Hotels not on Singer Island, but in the vicinity are significantly less expensive (down to $29/night/rm). Call me for phone numbers.

    RENTAL GEAR - Best to rent there. Call me about any gear you may need to rent, so that we can reserve them. Incidentally, computers will significantly enhance your diving in WPB. LOCAL TRANSPORTATION - You will need a car. Call me to arrange if you would like to car pool.


    GENERAL ORIENTATION - Both Riviera Beach Municipal Marina, from where the boat leaves, and the Best Western, Sea Spray, located on Singer Island, are South of Wahington DC, but NORTH of Miami, Fort Lauderdale and Palm Beach International airport. They are also EAST of I-95 & US1.

    Although the area is generically known as West Palm Beach (due to the name of airport and the much more affluent Palm Beach), the boat leaves from Riviera Beach Municipal Marina at the end of 13th St, in Riviera Beach, a less than affluent area.

    Directions to boat:
  • If coming from points south, that is travelling north on I-95 take the exit for 45th St & go E, towards the ocean. You will eventually go past St. Mary's Hospital (on left) & cross over railroad tracks. Proceed one block & you will be at Rt 1. There is a light at that intersection.
  • Turn LEFT (you are going north). You will go across a bridge which crosses the Port of Palm Beach (ships to the right) and arrive at 13th Street. There is a light at the intersection. An off-brand convenience store is on the SE corner.
  • Turn RIGHTon to 13th St and proceed to the end. Once you enter the marina (a large parking lot surrounded by a chain link fence):
  • Make a left at the dead end.
  • Then make an immediate right & go towards the boats.

    We are diving with a company called Diving Solutions. They have three boats: Spellbound, Spot and Seacure. They are berthed in front of the traffic circle and immediately to its left. The superstructures are painted white and their hulls are navy blue.

    The owners are Tracy and Doug.
  • The phone # is: 800 797 7771
  • My cell phone is: 301 233 3932

    If you encounter any problems, feel free to call me at anytime. If lost, you can call Diving Solutions for directions.

    Allow 1 1/4 hr driving time from the Ft Lauderdale area and nearly 2 h from the Miami area.

    This is going to be fun!!


    Stay on I-95 N an additional exit past the 45th St exit. That is Blue Heron Blvd. Go East on Blue Heron, towards the ocean. It is about 10-12 min, going across RR tracks, the municipal bldg (on left) and some areas where you certainly wish that your car does not breakdown. You will arrive at the intersection of Blue Heron and Rt 1 - Broadway. (There is a light at this intersection and Walgreen's, a large drugstore, is on the SW corner & a gas station is on the SE corner). Stay on Blue Heron Blvd & cross the the bridge that spans the Intercoastal Waterway. You are on Singer Island. Turn right at the light. Proceed past the Sailfish marina. The road will curve left, past some hotels. The Sea Spray is on the ocean side.
  • The phone # is: 561 844 0233

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