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Howdy all that actually look at this page..................I am going to start trying to update this page at least once a week.................we will see how that goes.

News-----------Nothing New. School still sucks.  I am going to be putting some new pictures up, so look around. 

Thoughts From The Mind of A Crazy Person (aka ME):
Cheetos are another form of segregation in our society.  The only real difference between cheetos is the texture (crunchy, puffy, ball, paw).  The only exception would be the flaming hot cheetos, but those suck anyway.  So, why not put all the different forms of cheetos in one bag?  Except the flaming hot, because not only do they suck, but it wouldn't mix right.  Ok, now that is enough of my pointless ramblings.

Word of the Week (sometimes phrase):
Aquadextrous - the ability to turn the bathtub faucet on and off with your toes.  

I am going to be putting some more crazy things on here..................just give me a couple of days.  Oh Yeah...............SIGN THE GUESTBOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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