Welcome to the official homepage of the...
Yup.  There's some bad language.
So suck it up.

CHECK OUR NEW PAGE LOCATED AT DO ITWe will slowly make the switch....but that page will b updated more frequently!
Sorry bout taking up your space Denise
For those of you wondering what's going on with this thing above, Christine seems to have learned how to hack the site.  It's an ongoing war between her and Doug.
Some new news!!! Dave and Doug Were in a comp!
If ya want the news (not much cuz nothing happens)
go here....
If not then don't. 

Who are we?
This one's for Mute...

Click here for the trick section of another person's website. 

And yes, they explain a D-spin.

But they do a really bad job of it.
How can I contact these sexy men?
Introduce me to all of these crazy guys!
If it's your first time to the page, click here
I wanna skip all this crap and head straight to the ski pictures.
You bitch!  I've been hanging out with you for years, and I was jumping with you that day!  I want on the page!!!
I'm a sadistic mofo and I wanna go to the crash section!
I want to help with your upcoming ski movie!
(Even if you don't, check this out anyways)
Snowboarders Click here!
Let's talk equipment
Show me some group photos that'll make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside
Damn You Bitches I hate u for going to hish north but show me some miscalanious pics from it anyways!!!

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